THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED. Take a look at [solarium project] (
Apache Solr Client for Zend Framework 2
Features :
- Adding, updating and deleting documents
- Query builder
- Facets
- Spellcheck
- Zend Developer Toolbar plugin
- Zend Framework 2
- [Apache Solr] (
- CURL module enabled in php
In your solrconfig.xml you must have php serialized query response writer enabled:
<queryResponseWriter name="phps" class="solr.PHPSerializedResponseWriter"/>
- Add
"bostjanob/solr-client": "dev-master"
to yourcomposer.json
- Run
php composer.phar install
- Enable the module in your
by addingSolrClient
Setting up your connection
Setup your connection by adding the module configuration to any valid ZF2 config file. This can be any file in autoload/ or a module configuration (such as the Application/config/module.config.php file).
return array(
'solr' => array(
'connection' => array(
'solr_default' => array(
'host' => 'HOSTNAME',
'port' => 'PORT',
// for basic auth
'user' => 'USERNAME',
'password' => 'PASSWORD',
// web path where solr is installed
'path' => '/',
// scheme: http or https
'scheme' => 'http'
Getting SolrClient
Access the solrClient using the following alias:
$client = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('solr.solr_default');
Inserting or updating documents
Coming soon...
Deleting documents
Deleting documents by ID
// more documents at once, and commit
$solrClient->deleteById(array(1,2,3,4), true);
//or all data
Commit, optimize
More info about "commit" and "optimize"
public function commit($optimize = false, $waitFlush = true, $waitSearcher = true)
public function optimize($waitFlush = true, $waitSearcher = true, $maxSegments = 1)
Query builder
Coming soon...