

(ACMMM 2021 Oral) SfM Face Reconstruction Based on Massive Landmark Bundle Adjustment

This repository shows two tasks: Face landmark detection and Face 3D reconstruction, which is described in this paper: Deep Unsupervised 3D SfM Face Reconstruction Based on Massive Landmark Bundle Adjustment.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. install dependencies.
pip install -r requirement.txt

Face landmark detection

<div align=center><img src="https://github.com/BoomStarcuc/3DSfMFaceReconstruction/blob/master/data/RedAndGreen.png" width="345" height="265"/><img src="https://github.com/BoomStarcuc/3DSfMFaceReconstruction/blob/master/data/Picture1_crop.jpg" width="345" height="265"/></div>

Running a pre-trained model

  1. Download landmark pre-trained model at GoogleDrive, and put it into FaceLandmark/model/
  2. Run the test file
python Facial_landmark.py

Face 3D reconstruction

<div align=center><img src="https://github.com/BoomStarcuc/3DSfMFaceReconstruction/blob/master/data/Stirling ESRC 3D.png" width="380" height="265"/><img src="https://github.com/BoomStarcuc/3DSfMFaceReconstruction/blob/master/data/Facescape%20face.png" width="380" height="265"/></div>

Running a pre-trained model

  1. Download face 3D reconstruction pre-trained model at GoogleDrive, and put it into FaceReconstruction/checkpoints/

  2. Run the inference.py file to generate disparity map

python inference.py --dataset-dir './FaceReconstruction/test_image/' --output-dir './FaceReconstruction/output/' --pretrained './FaceReconstruction/checkpoints/dispnet_model_best.pth.tar' --resnet-layers 18 --output-disp 
  1. Run the generate_ply.py file to generate point cloud .ply file
python generate_ply.py