

A JavaScript Gameboy Assembler

gbasm is a JavaScript based compiler for Gameboy z80 assembly code.

gbasm is mainly being developed for and tested with Tuff.

Installation and Usage

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Now install gbasm by running npm install -g gbasm
Usage: gbasm [options] [sources]

   --outfile, -o <s>: The name of the output rom file (default: game.gb)
      --optimize, -O: Enable instruction optimizations
   --mapfile, -m <s>: Generates a ASCII overview of the mapped ROM space
   --symfile, -s <s>: Generates a symbol map compatible with debuggers
  --jsonfile, -j <s>: Generates a JSON data dump of all sections with their data, labels, instructions etc.
        --silent, -S: Surpresses all logging
         --debug, -d: Enable support for custom "msg" debug opcodes',
       --verbose, -v: Surpresses all logging
           --version: Displays version information
              --help: Displays this help text

Output Options

Compatibility Notes

gbasm is mostly compatible with rgbds but there are some deviations and additions:





gbasm supports additional meta instructions at the source code level, which will be compiled down to multiple native instructions.

These aim at increasing the readability of the source.


Adds a 8-bit operand to a 16-bit register using only the Accumulator:

; ld      a,$ff
; add     a,l
; ld      l,a
; adc     a,h
; sub     l
; ld      h,a
addw  hl,$ff
addw  bc,$ff
addw  de,$ff

; add     a,l
; ld      l,a
; adc     a,h
; sub     l
; ld      h,a
addw  hl,a
addw  bc,a
addw  de,a

; ld      a,reg
; add     a,l
; ld      l,a
; adc     a,h
; sub     l
; ld      h,a
addw  hl,reg
addw  bc,reg
addw  de,reg


Extended increment of a memory address, using the Accumulator as an intermediate register (destroying its contents):

; ld a,[$0000]
; inc a
; ld [$0000],a
incx [$0000]


Extended decrement of a memory address, using the Accumulator as an intermediate register (destroying its contents):

; ld a,[$0000]
; dec a
; ld [$0000],a
decx [$0000]


Extended memory loads using the Accumulator as an intermediate register (destroying its contents):

; ld  a,[hli]
; ld  R,a
ldxa  b,[hli]
ldxa  c,[hli]
ldxa  d,[hli]
ldxa  e,[hli]
ldxa  h,[hli]
ldxa  l,[hli]

; ld  a,[hld]
; ld  R,a
ldxa  b,[hld]
ldxa  c,[hld]
ldxa  d,[hld]
ldxa  e,[hld]
ldxa  h,[hld]
ldxa  l,[hld]

; ld  a,R
; ld  [hli],a
ldxa  [hli],b
ldxa  [hli],c
ldxa  [hli],d
ldxa  [hli],e
ldxa  [hli],h
ldxa  [hli],l

; ld   a,R
; ld   [hld],a
ldxa  [hld],b
ldxa  [hld],c
ldxa  [hld],d
ldxa  [hld],e
ldxa  [hld],h
ldxa  [hld],l

; ld  a,$ff
; ld  [$0000],a
ldxa  [$0000],$ff

; ld  a,$ff
; ld  [hli],a
ldxa  [hli],$ff

; ld  a,$ff
; ld  [hld],a
ldxa  [hld],$ff

; ld  a,R
; ld  [$0000],a
ldxa  [$0000],b
ldxa  [$0000],c
ldxa  [$0000],d
ldxa  [$0000],e
ldxa  [$0000],h
ldxa  [$0000],l

; ld  a,[hli]
; ld  [$0000],a
ldxa  [$0000],[hli]

; ld  a,[hld]
; ld  [$0000],a
ldxa  [$0000],[hld]

; ld  a,[$0000]
; ld  [$0000],a
ldxa  [$0000],[$0000]

; ld  a,[$0000]
; ld  R,a
ldxa  b,[$0000]
ldxa  c,[$0000]
ldxa  d,[$0000]
ldxa  e,[$0000]
ldxa  h,[$0000]
ldxa  l,[$0000]

; ld  a,[$0000]
; ld  [hli],a
ldxa  [hli],[$0000]

; ld  a,[$0000]
; ld  [hld],a
ldxa  [hld],[$0000]


Licensed under MIT.