

What's this

  1. Facial Landmark Detection with Caffe CNN.
  2. Implementation of the two nets from different paper.

How to prepare dataset

How to training

Please run these command in the root of this project. Note: Please change parameter in train.prototxt. such as process num and buffer2memory!

export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/common/:$PYTHONPATH
caffe train --solver=training/net1/solver.prototxt --gpu=0
caffe train --solver=training/net2/vanilla_adam_solver.prototxt --gpu=0

How to testing or predict

cd testing
python test.py ../model/net1/_iter_100000.caffemodel ../training/net1/deploy.prototxt

Please replace correct path of caffe model and deploy file in above command.

How to do a benchmark

cd benchmark
python test.py ../model/net1/_iter_100000.caffemodel ../training/net1/deploy.prototxt

Please replace correct path of caffe model and deploy file in above command.
After do that, you will get mean error of your model.



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