

OTTER Server

OpenTracing server application. It listens on HTTP and accepts spans encoded with the OpenZipkin Thrift binary protocol. In the current stage it only exposes a callback which is called with each span received. It could be used as a skeleton for processing OpenTracing spans from different systems. For more information on OpenTracing and otter, check the otter documentation.


OTTER Server uses rebar3 as build tool. It can be built with:

    rebar3 compile

However most likely you'll want to add it to your project in your build environment.


otter_lib Common library functions shared for otter and otter_srv

cowboy web server.


The server is started up during otter application start. There are 2 configuration parameters in the otter_srv application environment.

server_zipkin_callback configuration parameter should be set to the {Module, Function} tuple. And the listening port can be specified with server_zipkin_port (defaults to 9411 if not defined). When spans are received on the server, they are decoded to otter #span{} record (see the otter or otter_lib applications for more details) and individually handed to the specified callback. There is a stub/example callback module (otter_srv_span_cb.erl) in the application. All the string types in the span are decoded to binary().

The spans can be submitted to any URI path. The path is ignored by the server and the server always responds with HTTP response code 202 in the current implementation.

Example server configuration

    {server_zipkin_callback, {otter_srv_span_cb, handle}},
    {server_zipkin_port, 19411},