

Welcome to the FamiStudio GitHub page

This is the GitHub page of FamiStudio, which is intended for people wanting to view/download the source code or report bug fixes.

If you are simply interested in installing FamiStudio, please visit famistudio.org or itch.io.

For any questions, you can reach me at famistudio@outlook.com.

Compiled versions

All releases are available in the Releases section. If you are on Windows, simply download and run the .MSI installer and a shortcut to FamiStudio will be placed in your Start menu.


FamiStudio is composed of a few projects:


On Windows, Visual Studio 2022 is used for development, but VS Code with the C# plugin should work too. The project contains everything, including both DLLs and the Setup project. In you plan to recompile the C++ DLLs, you will need to install C++ support in Visual Studio. The Setup project is built using the "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" extension which can be installed from Visual Studio in the "Extensions and Updates" menu.


On MacOS, VS Code is used for development, but Visual Studio for Mac might work too. The C++ DLLs can be compiled using a little shell script "build_macos.sh" that is located in the each of the folders. No fancy makefile here. PortAudio and RtMidi, which are used for audio output and MIDI input respectively have been pre-compiled using Homebrew and are likely not going to change often. The Application bundle is updated manually at each release.


On Linux, VS Code is used for development. Much like MacOS, a little shell script, "build_linux.sh" is provided to compile each of the C++ DLLs. No makefile is provided at the moment. OpenAL Soft is provided as a precompiled AMD64 binary with ALSA support, if you recompile your own you will need to replace libopenal32.so or edit the dllmap (FamiStudio.exe.config) to point to the correct library. Same for RtMidi which is provided as librtmidi.so.


On Android, Visual Studio 2022 is used and we target API level 33 (Android 13.0), but support a minimum version API level of 26 (Android 8.0, Oreo), so make sure to test features on all versions in between. The C++ DLLs needs to be compiled manually for all 3 architectures (x64, ARM, ARM64) whenever there is a change.


I'm hesitant to take unsolicited pull requests. If you want to contribute a feature, please get in touch with me first so we can come up with a plan. This will avoid wasting both your time and mine.

Platforms, Feature Parity & Testing

Assuming we agree on a feature to be developed, I expect:


Please open issues contact me if you find bugs or have feature suggestion ideas. You can find me: