


A game engine built on top of snõw (https://github.com/underscorediscovery/snow)

License Build Status


tusk is my personal game engine using snõwkit. It takes on the same role as luxe but provides a more bare-bones rendering API and has a strict entity-component-system (ECS) architecture:

Since I think the term 'system' isn't quite right here (it implies more than what they are), in tusk I use the term 'processor'—processors process entities by examining and altering their components. I like this approach to ECS instead of the approach used by luxe and Unity (where components process themselves) as it provides a clean delineation between data and behaviour and allows more emergent behaviour for essentially free. It also allows defining games as data (provided the processors are defined in code) which enables rapid development and iteration.

The engine is still very much under development. Stay tuned for samples!


Auto-generated up-to-date documentation can be accessed here: http://blazingmammothgames.github.io/tusk/

Planned Features


Issues, forks, and pull requests are gladly welcomed!