

Personal configurations to make plasma a fully tiling desktop. With themes and color schemes from Material ocean




After Installation to do

Plasma Extras

To achieve an exact replica of this setup there are some plasma settings that need to be tweaked



Plasma shortcuts under settings is the preferred way to manage keyboard shortcuts, for tiling, Bismuth is used with most of the shortcuts left as default, any changes done are mentioned below.

win key(mod/super)launch krunner
super + wlaunch browser (default is google chrome)
super + Enterlaunch terminal (default is kitty)
super + flaunch file manager (default is dolphin)
super + qkill current window
super + spaceswitch between tiling and last used layout
super + shift + Fmake window float
super + {h,j,k,l}focus the window on left, below, above, right respectively
super + Tabcycle through last used desktops (in order)
super + 1-9go to desktop 1-9
super + shift + 1-9move window to desktop number 1-9
super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l}shrink window on given side
super + directionstick window at given direction corner
printtake a full screenshot
print + shiftlaunch flameshot area selection
super + vlaunch clipboard
super + slaunch spotify
super + tlaunch telegram


Gestures are handled by libinput-gestures, to modify them, directly edit the conf file under .config (not recommended) or use gestures tool.

3 finger swipe downgo to next desktop
3 finger swipe upgo to previous desktop
3 finger swipe leftgo back (alt + left)
3 finger swipe rightgo forward (alt + right)
4 finger swipe downenter window overview mode (all desktops)
4 finger swipe upenter desktop overview mode


Global theme:   Breeze
Plasma Style:   Material Ocean
Color scheme:   Breeze with #ff4151 as accent color
Terminal:       Konsole
Terminal Theme: Material ocean
File Manager:   Dolphin
Icons:          Tela
Browser:        Google Chrome Stable
New Page:       Tabliss (config under others folder)
Docks:          Latte Dock (Split Beauty)

