

Random Dungeon Generator (Game Maker Studio 2.3)


This Random Dungeon Generator combines user-defined chambers to create a dungeon.<br/> The user-defined chambers are simple sprites that use color coding (user can customize the color detection).<br/> The system does not require any objects to use and is easy to integrate into your own project as it can rely only on the provided scripts <br/>

<h1>Requirements</h1> <h1>Features</h1> <h1>Samples</h1> These are some random dungeons generated using the provided sample chamber sprites.<br/> The results shown here are drawn pixel-by-pixel using the underlying ds_grid. <br/>

<img src="./Sample1.png"/> <img src="./Sample3.png"/>

Dungeon with high amount of chamber offset<br/> <img src="./Sample2.png"/>

Dungeon with AutoWalls applied (closed corners deactivated)<br/> <img src="./Sample6.PNG"/>

Sample Dungeon with Player interaction<br/> <img src="./Sample4.PNG" width="320" height="190"/>

<h2>Output format</h2>

Once the dungeon was created the system will provide a ds_grid which contains one of the enumeration-values of the ColorMeaning enumeration.<br/> The values you will encounter are

<br/> In addition to these pre-defined metadata-types you can also defined you own "meanings" using the ColorAssignment-Struct that is used on the RandomDungeonGenerator.<br/> Take a look at the dungeonCreator-Object on how to define custom colors.<br/>

In addition to the ds_grid you can also retrieve a ds_list of placed chambers with information on how each chamber is connected. Use the placedChambers property on the DungeonPreset-Struct for this.<br/>

<h2>Creating chamber sprites</h2>

Without chamber sprites there can be no dungeon. Each chamber sprite needs some ground and connectors. At least one connector on two different sides need to be placed on a chamber.

<img src="./ChamberSprite.png" width="320" height="192"/> <h2>About Connectors</h2>

Connectors come in two variations: Vertical and horizontal. Depending on how the pixel of a connector are placed on the chamber sprite the connector will either be detected as a horizontal or vertical connector. Vertical connectors have a height of 1 and a width of > 1. Horizontal connectors have a width of 1 and a height of > 1. In addition to the connectors orientation it also has a facing direction. This facing direction is dependend of the pixels surrounding the connector. For a horizontal connector the facing direction is left when the pixel to the right of the connector are chamber ground. The facing direction is right when the pixel to the left of the connector are chamber ground. For a vertical connector the facing direction is up when the pixel below the connector are chamber ground. The facing direction is down when the pixel above the connector are chamber ground.<br/> <br/>

<h2>About Hallways</h2>

Chambers are connected to each other by hallways. A hallway will be created from one connector to another. Only connectors with the same orientation can be connected (horizontal to horizontal, vertical to vertical). Even with the same orientatin (vertical/horizontal) only connectors with a opposite facing direction are able to connect (left to right, right to left, up to down, down to up). The width of a hallway depens on the dimension of the used connector.<br/> <br/>

<h1>Current limitations</h1>