

HaLC: Mitigating LVLMs Object Hallucination via Context-Density-Layer Contrastive Decoding

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:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

We use the MiniGPT-4 SOTA as the LVLM backbone for HALC. Please refer to the Installation section in the MiniGPT-4 README.

Briefly, run the following commands to install the required packages:

git clone https://github.com/BillChan226/contrast_decoding_LVLMs.git
cd contrast_decoding_LVLMs
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate minigptv

cd DoLa
pip install -e transformers-4.28.1
pip install datasets

We employ Grounding DINO as the external detector to bound hallucinatory objects. For quick installation:

pip install -U spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

cd woodpecker/GroundingDINO/
pip install -e .

Then download pre-trained model weights for DINO:

mkdir weights
cd weights
wget -q https://github.com/IDEA-Research/GroundingDINO/releases/download/v0.1.0-alpha/groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth

If error NameError: name '_C' is not defined is reported, refer to this issue for a quick fix.

To reproduce our results, we use the Llama-2-7b as LLM backbone, which can be downloaded from here. After downloading, modify the code accordingly here at Line 15.

You also have to prepare the pretrained model checkpoints, which can be downloaded from here. After downloading, modify the code accordingly here at Line 10.

:roller_coaster: Demo Playgrounds

:eagle: HALC Demo

Run CDL demo on a toy example:

python context_density/context_decoding.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_llama2_eval.yaml  --gpu-id 0

ViT Early Exit Layers Demo

Specify early_exit_layer_idx then run ViT early exit layers contrastive decoding:

python vit_early_exit_contrast.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_llama2_eval.yaml  --gpu-id 0

DoLA Demo

Test DoLa with their textual input


python toy_dola_eval.py --model-name ./models/models--meta-llama--Llama-2-7b-chat-hf/snapshots/94b07a6e30c3292b8265ed32ffdeccfdadf434a8 --output-path output-path.json --num-gpus 1 --early-exit-layers 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32

Note: adding 32 in the early-exit-layers is crucial for reasonable output.

JSD for each candidate layer is printed and input at line 2720 of file DoLa/transformers-4.28.1/src/transformers/generation/utils.py

Test DoLA with visual-textual input

run a toy example:

python contrast_decoding.py --cfg-path eval_configs/minigpt4_llama2_eval.yaml  --gpu-id 0

The toy example is projected into the prefix of the language model as a context.

:hourglass: Benchmarks

:chair: CHAIR Evaluation of LVLMs Object Hallucination

Running LVLM to generate captions and result file format-ready for CHAIR

Following Evaluating Object Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models, we used "Generate a short caption of the image" as the prompt to query LVLM for captions of the 2,000 images randomly sampled from COCO 2014 Val datast. Under root directory, run

python generate_chair_input.py --num_samples 2000 --dataset_name coco --data_dir [COCO_DIR] --output_dir ./generated_captions/ --gpu-id 0 -v -d [Decoding Strategy]

For a full list of command line input, run python generate_chair_input.py -h. Note that [COCO_DIR] is expected to contain both images and annotation files within the annotations subfolder. In other words, [COCO_DIR] should the the following structure:

COCO_DIR (val2014 for example)
  - annotations
    - captions_val2014.json
    - captions_val2014.json
    - instances_train2014.json
    - instances_val2014.json
    - person_keypoints_train2014.json
    - person_keypoints_val2014.json
  - COCO_val2014_000000000042.jpg
  - COCO_val2014_000000000073.jpg

Upon completion, two files, minigpt4_pretrain-llama2_coco_2000_generated_captions.json and minigpt4_pretrain-llama2_coco_2000_chair.json should be generated under generated_captions/minigpt4_pretrain-llama2/coco/ if llama2 is the model_type used for minigpt4.

:man_in_tuxedo: POPE Evaluation of LVLMs Object Hallucination

Running LVLM to generate captions and result file format-ready for POPE

Under root directory, run

python generate_pope_input.py --num_images 2000 --dataset_name coco --data_dir [COCO_DIR] --output_dir ./generated_captions/ --gpu-id 0 -v -d [Decoding Strategy]


CHAIR Evaluation

We use the generated _chair.json file, for example, minigpt4_pretrain-llama2_coco_2000_chair.json for the CHAIR evaluation. Under root directory, run

python eval_hallucination.py --metric chair --chair_input_path [PATH_TO_.JSON_FILE] -v

POPE Evaluation

python eval_hallucination.py --metric pope --pope_answer_path [PATH_TO_MODEL_OUTPUT] --pope_question_path [PATH_TO_.POPE_QUESTION] -v

The evaluation results will be printed in terminal.

:wrench: Troubleshooting

Error installing pattern:

conda install -c conda-forge pattern

:key: License

This repository is under BSD 3-Clause License. Many codes are based on Lavis with BSD 3-Clause License here.