

ViCo: Word Embeddings from Visual Co-occurrences

By Tanmay Gupta, Alexander Schwing, and Derek Hoiem

<p align="center"> <img src="imgs/teaser.png"> </p>



Welcome to the official code base for ViCo - multi-sense word embeddings learned from different types of visual cooccurrences.

Available on Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08527

Project Page: http://tanmaygupta.info/vico/


  title={ViCo: Word Embeddings from Visual Co-occurrences},
  author={Gupta, Tanmay and Schwing, Alexander and Hoiem, Derek},

Just give me pretrained ViCo

In a hurry? Download pretrained embeddings here. Cooccurrences used to train these embeddings can be downloaded here.

Untar the downloaded directory and you will see the following directories:

Each of these directories consist of:

To get embeddings for a particular word, say dog:

import h5py
import json

word = 'dog'


f = h5py.File('visual_word_vecs.h5py','r')
word_to_idx = json.load(open('visual_word_vecs_idx.json','r'))
visual_words = json.load(open('visual_words.json','r'))

# To just slice the row in the matrix without loading the full matrix in RAM do the following:
embed_mat = f[embeddings]

# To load the entire matrix in memory (recommended if you are going to query words frequently) use the following instead:
# embed_mat = f[embeddings][()]

if word in word_to_idx:
    word_embed = embed_mat[word_to_idx[word]]
    word_embed_glove = word_embed[:glove_dim] # GloVe component
    word_embed_vico = word_embed[glove_dim:]  # ViCo component
    print('Word not in vocabulary')

if word in visual_words:
    print('Word has ViCo component')
    print('Word is not in the visual word vocabulary. word_embed_vico is set to average ViCo embedding computed across visual words')

Install Dependencies

We provide a conda environment.yml file that lists all dependencies which can easily be installed using a single command

conda env create -f environment.yml

Once the installation is completed, launch the conda environment using

conda activate vico_env

While the environment.yml file lists a lot of dependencies, they were all installed automatically as dependencies of the core packages listed in install.sh. So you could also install these using

bash install.sh

However, this might try to install the latest packages which might have different version numbers than those in the environment.yml file which was used to test this repository.


We will assume we are currently in the root directory (which contains the README.md). All bash or python scripts described below will be executed from the root directory.

Before we begin, let us create a directory called symlinks in the root directory to store our data and experiments.

mkdir symlinks

Because of hardware constraints, I keep my code and experiment outputs on the nfs, and datasets on local disks. So I create directories called vico_data and vico_exp as per need and create symlinks called data and exp pointing to these in the symlinks directory as follows

mkdir path_to_store_datasets/vico_data
ln -s path_to_store_datasets/vico_data symlinks/data

mkdir path_to_store_experiment_outputs/vico_exp
ln -s path_to_store_experiment_outputs/vico_exp symlinks/exp

To verify, run ls -alh symlinks and you should see something like

data -> path_to_store_datasets/vico_data
exp -> path_to_store_experiment_outputs/vico_exp

While you can choose any directory for storing datasets and experiments, the code base assumes symlinks to be called data and exp.

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Code structure


A note on run.py files

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Steps for Learning ViCo embeddings

Quick Start

We provide a simple bash script ./exp/multi_sense_cooccur/scripts/helper.sh that can be used to run all steps involved in learning ViCo. Simply modify the script to specify the GPU on which you want to run the experiments, and the steps you want to run using the MODE variable (multiple steps can be specified at once) and execute:

bash ./exp/multi_sense_cooccur/scripts/helper.sh

Each step is explained in detail below along with commands which are the same as the script but with explicit arguments for ViCo(linear,100) as a running example.

Step 1: Create co-occurrence matrices

We compute the following types of co-occurrences from different sources:

If you have already downloaded the datasets, simply run:

bash exp/multi_sense_cooccur/create_cooccur.sh

This will create the following file which will be used to learn ViCo embeddings:


For inspection, we provide a simple command line utility to load the csv into a pandas dataframe and interactively display all co-occurrences for a given word with other words sorted by co-occurrence types in ascending order (to avoid having to scroll to the top). To launch this utility run:

python -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.explore_merged_cooccur

Follow the prompted instructions to interactively explore co-occurrences. To see the instructions again, simply call usage().

Step 2: Train ViCo's multitask log-bilinear model

We train ViCo initially with the Adam optimizer for faster convergence and fine-tune with Adagrad.

Start Training

To start training with Adam, run:

    -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run \
    --exp exp_train \
    --embed_dim 100 \
    --xform linear \
    --syn True

embed_dim is the ViCo embedding dimension and xform is the transformation function to be used in the multitask log-bilinear model. xform can alternatively be set to 'select'. It is easy to extend ViCo with other transforms as shown in ./exp/multi_sense_cooccur/models/logbilinear.py.

Here, we turned on the use of synonym co-occurrences during training using --syn. However, we empirically found ViCo trained w/o synonym co-occurrences may perform slightly better. The version of embeddings used in the paper are trained w/o synonym co-occurrences. If that is the version you are after, go ahead and set --syn False here and in all commands below.


To finetune with Adagrad starting from a saved model, say at iteration number 80000, run:

    -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run \
    --exp exp_train \
    --embed_dim 100 \
    --xform linear \
    --model_num 80000 \
    --syn True

Experiments data including hyperparameters/constants, tensorboard logs, and models are saved in ./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/linear_100/. Models, by default, are saved every 10000 iterations. Any model number other than -1 (default) automatically selects Adagrad optimizer.

Monitor Losses

Losses can be monitored on tensorboard using

tensorboard --logdir=./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/
<img src="imgs/tensorboard.png" alt="tensorboard logs" width="500">

Note the steep decrease in loss around 80000 iterations due to change in optimizer (learing rate is unchanged). Neg_* denotes the losses due to the max term while others correspond to the log-bilinear loss. Total_Loss denotes the sum of all losses.

Time and Memory

Step 3: Extract embeddings from the saved model

To extract embeddings from the embedding layer of the saved model, run:

python \
    -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run \
    --exp exp_extract_embeddings \
    --embed_dim 100 \
    --xform linear \
    --model_num 160000 \
    --syn True

This saves the following files in the ./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/linear_100/ directory:

Step 4: Concat with GloVe

To concatenate GloVe with ViCo, run:

python \
    -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run \
    --exp exp_concat_with_glove \
    --embed_dim 100 \
    --xform linear \
    --glove_dim 300

This creates the following files in the ./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/linear_100/concat_with_glove_300 directory:

The embedding for any word can be accessed as follows:

import h5py
import json

# Load json file
word_to_idx = json.load(open('visual_word_vecs_idx.json', 'r'))

# Load h5py file
embeddings = h5py.File('visual_word_vecs.h5py','r')['embeddings']

word = 'green'
idx = word_to_idx[word]
word_embedding = embeddings[idx] # (400,) numpy.ndarray
glove_component = word_embedding[:300]
vico_component = word_embedding[300:]

A note on memory vs speed trade-off for slicing/indexing

The advantage of h5py is that the variable embeddings refers to an h5py Dataset object which can be indexed to get individual rows without loading the entire embedding matrix (400000x400) into memory. However, every slice operation like embeddings[idx] would have to read from disk. This may not be an issue if slicing is infrequent but could be slow otherwise (for example if used in a dataloader to create mini-batches for a captioning-task).

Therefore, if RAM is not an issue, it is recommended to load the full matrix using:

  embeddings = h5py.File('visual_word_vecs.h5py','r')['embeddings'][()]
  # Notice the '[()]' at the end

In this case, embeddings is the full embedding matrix loaded in RAM as a numpy array. Since the entire matrix is in RAM, slicing operations are fast.

Step 5: Use ViCo embeddings in your awesome project

Build on it, analyze it, improve it ...


Run it through our evaluation protocol as described in the next section to better understand it.

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We provide scripts for the following:

A note on reproducibility: The current version of code uses slightly different Obj-Hyp cooccurrence counts. Specifically, earlier version required downloading imagenet images and cooccurrences were counted while iterating over the list of all downloaded images. However, in this scheme broken urls for which annotations are still available would be missed and also we would be downloading images unnecessarily even though all we need is annotations. Thus the current version just iterates over the urls and their annotations.

Another cause for variance is that different training runs may produce different embeddings because of SGD and these different embeddings might in turn lead to slightly different evaluation results. The results in the following section are from one example run using this code base to show the variance that can be expected in learning embeddings. The embeddings and cooccurrences used in the paper are available here.

Unsupervised Clustering Analysis

If you have the ViCo(linear,100) embeddings trained and concatenated with GloVe as described above, you can run the analysis by executing

python -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run --exp exp_unsupervised_clustering

This saves plots in ./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/analysis/unsupervised_clustering directory and prints average performance across cluster numbers in the terminal, which can directly be copied to a latex file

What if you want to compare other embeddings?

Usually we want to run such an analysis to compare various embeddings. Runner exp_unsupervised_clustering in ./exp/multi_sense_cooccur/run.py file creates a dictionary called data_const.embed_info which contains all necessary information about embeddings which need to be evaluated. The information is provides through an instance of a python class which must have a get_embedding method and the following attributes/properties:

See the class EmbedInfo for example. Since all of my embeddings followed a consistent naming convention, I could use the same class to automatically construct these attributes. However, you could also use something simple like SimpleEmbedInfo.

The get_embedding method is used to extract parts of the embedding such as -- the GloVe component, the ViCo component, or keep both.

Supervised Partitioning Analysis

The runner for the partitioning analysis is similar to the clustering case and can be executed using

python -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run --exp exp_supervised_partitioning

This saves plots in ./symlinks/exp/multi_sense_cooccur/analysis/supervised_partitioning directory and prints average performance across various tree depths in the terminal, which can directly be copied to a latex file

Zero-Shot Analysis

Zero shot analysis is performed on ViCo concatenated with 100 dim. GloVe (instead of 300 dim.). This is because we would essentially be learning a function to regress classifiers from word vectors using less than 100 classes as training data. Learning the function from more than 100 dimensional embeddings is already ill-constrained and prone to overfitting.

So first, let us concatenate ViCo with GloVe 100 using the following:

python -m exp.multi_sense_cooccur.run --exp exp_concat_with_glove --embed_dim 100 --xform linear --glove_dim 100

To launch the zero-shot analysis (a.k.a visual generalization analysis) for ViCo(linear,100), run:

bash exp/cifar100/scripts/run.sh <num_held_out_classes> <gpu_id> <run_id>

where num_held_out_classes is one of {20,40,60,80}, gpu_id refers to the GPU on which to run the evaluation, and run_id is a number like {0,1,2,3,...} which is used to keep track of different runs.

Results for different embeddings and runs can be aggregated using

python -m exp.cifar100.run --exp exp_agg_results

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Discriminative Attributes Task

To evaluate GloVe+ViCo(linear,100) on this task simply run:

bash exp/semeval_2018_10/scripts/svm_glove_vico.sh train_eval <run_id>

To evaluate GloVe only run the following:

bash exp/semeval_2018_10/scripts/svm_glove.sh train_eval <run_id>

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