


Beehive: A complete content tool for the SEGA Mega Drive (and soon to be more)

Getting Started

Beehive (and all other ion::engine projects) use the JamPlus build system (see https://github.com/jamplus/jamplus). JamPlus includes support for XCode and other IDEs, but I haven't tested building this particular project with it, nor are the dependencies for other platforms included here.


All dependencies are now included with ion::engine, you shouldn't need to download/do anything special.


Copy all DLLs from the dependencies pack into root\mdstudio, and make sure to set root\mdstudio as the working directory before launching.

SNES (and other platform) support

Initial support for SNES added. New projects prompt for tile width/height, I think I've fixed up all places referencing tile width/height properly but no promises. I've tested that it at least imports new tiles and creates/draws stamps correctly. Take a look at PlatformConfig.h and all references to PlatformConfig.

To get started quickly, implement Tile::Export() and Map::Export() for SNES.