


Polyfill that enables HTML5 drag drop support on mobile (touch) devices.

The HTML5 specification includes support for drag and drop operations. Unfortunately, this specification is based on mouse events, rather than pointer events, and so most mobile browsers do not implement it. As such, applications that rely on HTML5 drag and drop have reduced functionality when running on mobile devices.

The DragDropTouch class is a polyfill that translates touch events into standard HTML5 drag drop events. If you add the polyfill to your pages, drag and drop operations should work on mobile devices just like they do on the desktop.


This demo should work on desktop as well as on mobile devices, including iPads and Android tablets. To test this on a desktop, turn on "responsive design mode", which is both a button in the browser developer tools, as well as the hot-key <code>ctrl-shift-M</code> on Windows and Linux, or <code>cmd-shift-M</code> on Mac.

How to "install"

Add the drag-drop-touch.esm.js or drag-drop-touch.esm.min.js polyfill script to your page to enable drag and drop on devices with touch input:

<script src="drag-drop-touch.esm.min.js?autoload" type="module"></script>

Note the ?autoload query argument on the src URL: this loads the polyfill and immediately enables it so that you do not need to write any code yourself. If omitted, the library will instead set up a window.DragDropTouch object with a single function, DragDropTouch.enable(dragRoot, dropRoot, options). All three arguments are optional. If left off, DragDropTouch.enable() simply polyfills the entire page. If you only want the polyfill to apply to specific elements though, you can call the enable function once for each set of elements that need polyfilling.

Also note the type="module", which is required. If left off, you'll probably get a browser error similar to:

Uncaught SyntaxError: import.meta may only appear in a module

Using a CDN url


Using a JS ESM import

As an ES module, you can also use this polyfill as an import in other scripts:

import { enableDragDropTouch } from "./drag-drop-touch.esm.min.js";

// Set up the default full page polyfill:

// Or, explicitly polyfill only certain elements
enableDragDropTouch(dragRootElement, dropRootElement);

// Or even explicitly polyfill only certain elements with non-default behaviour
const options = {
  // ...
enableDragDropTouch(dragRootElement, dropRootElement, options);

Polyfill behaviour

The DragDropTouch polyfill attaches listeners to the document's touch events:

To avoid interfering with the automatic browser translation of some touch events into mouse events, the polyfill performs a few additional tasks:

Overriding polyfill behaviour

The following options can be passed into the enabling function to change how the polyfill works:



MIT License

For developers

If you wish to work on this library, fork and clone the repository, then run npm install to install all the dependency, followed by a one-time npm run dev:setup, which will install the necessary components for running the integration tests.

Running tests

This repository uses the standard npm test command to run build and integration tests. Build testing consists of linting the source code using tsc, auto-formatting it using prettier, and compiling it into three bundles (debug, normal, and minified) using esbuild. Integration tests are found in the tests/touch.spec.js file, using Playwright as test runner.

Additionally, npm run test:debug will run the tests with DEBUG statements preserved, useful for when tests fail to pass and you're trying to find out what's actually happening.

Manual testing

To manually test in the browser, you can run npm start and then open the URL that is printed to the console once the initial build tasks have finished. This runs a local server that lets you run the demo page, but with the drag-drop-touch.esm.min.js replaced by a drag-drop-touch.debug.esm.js instead, which preserves all debug statements used in the TypeScript source.

To add your own debug statements, use the DEBUG: label followed by either a normal statement, or multiple statements wrapped in a new block.