

Magento 2 Configurable Options

This module provides functionality for preselecting configurable product options and updating attribute values from selected simple product.


composer require bkozlic/configurable-options

php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Admin system configuration

Go to Admin Panel -> Stores -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Configurable Options

EnableEnable or disable complete module functionality.
Simple Product ImagesSet if images of selected simple products will be prepended to configurable images or they will replace them.
Preselect Product OptionsEnable or disable option preselect after product page is loaded.
Update Simple Product AttributeEnable or disable update of attribute values for selected simple product.
AttributesSet as many attributes as you want. You need to specify attribute code, html selector where value will be placed and choose if value should be updated asynchronously or not. Works only if previous option is set to "Yes".

Set custom product for preselect

Open configurable product in Admin. Under "Simple Product Preselect" fieldset you can select specific simple product to preselect after product page is loaded.

Modify attribute values

You can use modifier functionality to modify product's attribute value. Take, for example, the product sku. If you want to display sku value with prefix, suffix or something different you can do this.

Add modifier in the di.xml. There is already default modifier in the module which you can take as an example.

<type name="BKozlic\ConfigurableOptions\Model\ValueModifierPool">
        <argument name="modifiers" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="modifier_name" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="class" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Module\Model\Modifier\ModifierName</item>
                <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">10</item>

Sort order defines in which order modifiers from the pool will be executed.

Modifier class must implement \BKozlic\ConfigurableOptions\Model\ModifierInterface

    public function processValue(string $attributeCode, ProductInterface $product, string $cssSelector, $value)
        // Update value

Add custom values

If you want to add value for the products but there is no attribute for it, you can do it with modifier. <br/>

By default, product name and sku are updated after simple product is preselected.


It is recommended to set async load for attributes with a big values and attributes which will be added in the html element not visible until you scroll.

