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Ready to steal some treasures from Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin?

<p align="center"> <img width="300" src="static/fontaine.gif"> </p> <img width="400" src="static/help.png"> <br>

Read carefully this site and finish the tutorial to undertand this vulnerability. This kind of attack is very tricky to understand, but totally awesome when you finally see it in action.

If you still feel lost you can peek into the SOLUTION.md file in each of the labs - if you find another path to the flag send me a Pull Request and tell the world how you achieved it.

To get the labs done you will require at least these things:

<br> <img width="150" src="static/disclaimer.png"> <br>

The stuff in this repository is meant to be run only as CTF challenge. Do not use in production - use it in an isolated sandbox only. I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this code

<br> <img width="330" src="static/learn.png"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p align="center"> <img width="600" src="static/panzerknacker.png"> <br> Have fun and keep smuggling </p>