

<br/> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/BenVlodgi/UE-ExtendedUnreal"> <img src="https://github.com/BenVlodgi/UE-ExtendedUnreal/assets/1462374/f65a86dd-56ab-41b4-a3be-bc9442fb3341" alt="Logo" width="640" height="320"> </a> </p>

Extended Unreal

Unreal Engine Plugin Exposing functions to Blueprints and adding small utilities.

Currently Compatible with Unreal Engine 5.3.


Object ArrayArray of Objects, useful as a value in a Map (Dictionary).
Delegate Handle WrapperDelegate Handle holds ID of a delegate, used for unbinding.
World TypeThe type of world an object lives in. Describes the context in which it is being used (Editor, Game, Preview etc.) (Blueprint Accessible version of the Engine EWorldType).
Extended Blend Space AxisUsed as parameter for GetBlendSpaceAxisMinMax()
ClassBlueprint FunctionsDomain
Extended Unreal LibraryMake Brush from App StyleRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryMake Brus from Style SetRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryMake Brush from Slate IconRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Soft Class NameRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Soft Class Display Name TextDeveloper
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Soft Object NameRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Class Display Name TextDeveloper
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Component (Component Reference)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryMake Component ReferenceRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Component by NameRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryTo Display StringRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryFocus Viewport to SelectionDeveloper
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Attached Actors of ClassRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet First Attached Actor of ClassRuntime
Extended Unreal LibrarySet Active (Safe) (Component)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs Running Construction (Actor)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs Beginning Play (Actor)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryHas Begun Play (Actor)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs in Play (Actor)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibrarySet Actor Display NameDeveloper
Extended Unreal LibraryGet HashRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Custom Primitive DataRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Custom Primitive Data FloatRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryDoes Class Implement InterfaceRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryDestroy Audio Component when CompleteRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs Actor in Actor Owner ChainRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs Actor in Component Owner ChainRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Owner ChainRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Owner (Safe)Runtime
Extended Unreal LibraryIs Net Startup ActorRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryAs Actor or OwnerRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryBind Event to OnTransformUpdatedRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryUnbind Event from OnTransformUpdatedRuntime
Extended Unreal LibrarySet Preview Skeletal MeshDeveloper
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Distance Along Spline at TimeRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Time Along Spline at TimeRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Time Along Spline at Spline PointRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Owner ChainRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Interface ImplementorRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGet Interface ImplementorsRuntime
Extended Unreal LibraryGetPlayerViewportTransformRuntime
Extended Unreal LibrarySetTimelineDurationRuntime
Extended World LibraryGet World GravityRuntime
Extended World LibraryGet World TypeRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Game WorldRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Editor WorldRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Preview WorldRuntime
Extended Animation LibraryGet Blend Space Axis Min MaxRuntime
Extended Array LibraryCast ArrayRuntime
Extended Array LibraryRemove ItemsRuntime
Extended Array LibraryTo SetRuntime
Extended Array LibraryFilter Array for InterfaceRuntime
Extended Array LibraryResolveRuntime
Extended Set LibraryAdd SetRuntime
Extended Set LibraryCast SetRuntime
Extended Map LibraryFind Keys by ValueRuntime
Extended Curve LibraryGet Float Value (Runtime Float Curve)Runtime
Extended Curve LibraryGet Time Range (Runtime Float Curve)Runtime
Extended Curve LibraryGet Value Range (Runtime Float Curve)Runtime
Extended Curve LibraryIs Constant (Runtime Float Curve)Runtime
Extended Curve LibraryIs Empty (Runtime Float Curve)Runtime
Extended Curve LibraryGet Curve (Runtime Curve)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryMake Relative RotatorRuntime
Extended Math LibrarySigned Distance from Plane (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryEqual (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryFlip (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryIs Valid (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryGet Origin (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryGet Normal (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryPlane Dot (Plane)Runtime
Extended Math LibraryDot (Plane)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryHas AbilityRuntime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibrarySet Float Attribute Base (Ability System)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibrarySet Float Attribute Base (Actor)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryGet SetByCaller Tag MagnitudesRuntime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryGet SetByCaller Name MagnitudesRuntime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryGet SetByCaller Tag MagnitudesRuntime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryGet SetByCaller Name MagnitudesRuntime
Extended Gameplay Abilities LibraryGet GameplayEffect Class SetByCaller TagRuntime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryAdd GameplayTag ContainersRuntime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo String (GameplayTag)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo Name (GameplayTag)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo GameplayTag (Name)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo GameplayTagContainer (String)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo GameplayTagContainer (Strings)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo String (GameplayTagContainer)Runtime
Extended Gameplay Tag LibraryTo Strings (GameplayTagContainer)Runtime
Extended World Partition LibraryIs Collision LoadedRuntime
Extended World Partition LibrarySet Default Visualizer Loading RangeRuntime
Extended World LibraryGet World GravityRuntime
Extended World LibraryGet World TypeRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Game WorldRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Editor WorldRuntime
Extended World LibraryIs Preview WorldRuntime
MergeMerges two execution lines together and returns which execution line was used. This is useful for feeding into a Select.
For Loop (Continue)Requires Continue pin to be executed for the loop to continue, this is useful when the loop is large and should happen in segments over time.
For Each Loop (Continue)Requires Continue pin to be executed for the loop to continue, this is useful when the loop is large and should happen in segments over time.
Style ImageDisplays the image associated the AppStyle's Property Name.
Graph NodesDescription
Sphere Trace by Profile (Control Rig)Sweeps a sphere against the world and return the first blocking hit using a specific profile. (By default: Sphere traces exist in control rig, but not by profile)