

Stride Proof of Concepts

This repository houses a few basic projects to test capabilities of the Stride Game Engine (formerly called Xenko).

The projects are currently built with Stride version, and have only been created with the Windows projects (apologies to any non-Windows developers!). Note that some projects were originally created with Xenko, then upgraded to Stride through its launcher, however some things do not get upgraded (eg. Xenko assets & icons), so some things may differ if you have created a new project from the Stride templates.

These projects are aimed more towards intermediate to advanced programmers, and may require further investigation into the Stride source code, or search online, for more information on how some of the applied code works, as some of the some techniques may not be officially what the Stride developers intended for us to use.

This repository contains the following projects:

Random selection of screenshots for some of the proof of concepts in this repository:

Dialogue Text Control Example:

Example Dialogue

Screen Space Decal Example:

Render Stage

Level Editor Extension Example:

Editor buttons