


Blazor <br/><br/> SweetAlert2 <br/> A beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. <br/> All wrapped inside a Razor Component Library for use in Blazor Server and WebAssembly applications. <br/> SweetAlert2 in action <br/> See SweetAlert2 in action ↗
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👉 Upgrading from v3.x to v4.x? Read the release notes!

👉 Upgrading from v4.x to v5.x? Read the release notes!

This package is for both Blazor Server Apps and Blazor WebAssembly Apps. It should be used instead of CurrieTechnologies.Blazor.SweetAlert2 which is now deprecated.

🙌 Includes themes from the Official SweetAlert2 Themes project 🙌


Install-Package CurrieTechnologies.Razor.SweetAlert2

Or install from the NuGet Package Manager


Register the service in your Startup file.

// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

NB: For newer .NET 6 minimal project templates, this will actually be in Program.cs

// Program.cs


If you want to use one of the Official SweetAlert2 themes:

// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
 services.AddSweetAlert2(options => {
   options.Theme = SweetAlertTheme.Dark;

See Configuration for more information.

Add the script tag

Add this script tag in your root html file (Likely _Host.cshtml for Blazor Server or index.html for Blazor WebAssembly), right under the framework script tag. (i.e <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script> for Blazor Server or <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script> for Blazor WebAssembly)

NB: In newer templates, this will be towards the bottom of Pages/_Layout.cshtml for Blazor Server or wwwroot/index.html for Blazor WebAssembly.

<script src="_content/CurrieTechnologies.Razor.SweetAlert2/sweetAlert2.min.js"></script>

If you need to support IE11, this script tag is different. See IE Compatibility.


Recommended: Add @using CurrieTechnologies.Razor.SweetAlert2 to your _Imports.razor file, to avoid having to put the using call in every component that requires it.

Inject the SweetAlertService into any Blazor component.

// Sample.razor
@inject SweetAlertService Swal;
<button class="btn btn-primary"
   @onclick="@(async () => await Swal.FireAsync("Any fool can use a computer"))">
 Try me!


The most basic message:

await Swal.FireAsync("Hello world!");

A message signaling an error:

await Swal.FireAsync("Oops...", "Something went wrong!", "error");

Handling the result of SweetAlert2 modal:

// async/await
SweetAlertResult result = await Swal.FireAsync(new SweetAlertOptions
   Title = "Are you sure?",
   Text = "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
   Icon = SweetAlertIcon.Warning,
   ShowCancelButton = true,
   ConfirmButtonText = "Yes, delete it!",
   CancelButtonText = "No, keep it"

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value))
 await Swal.FireAsync(
   "Your imaginary file has been deleted.",
else if (result.Dismiss == DismissReason.Cancel)
 await Swal.FireAsync(
   "Your imaginary file is safe :)",

// Promise/Task based
Swal.FireAsync(new SweetAlertOptions
   Title = "Are you sure?",
   Text = "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
   Icon = SweetAlertIcon.Warning,
   ShowCancelButton = true,
   ConfirmButtonText = "Yes, delete it!",
   CancelButtonText = "No, keep it"
 }).ContinueWith(swalTask =>
   SweetAlertResult result = swalTask.Result;
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value))
       "Your imaginary file has been deleted.",
   else if (result.Dismiss == DismissReason.Cancel)
       "Your imaginary file is safe :)",

More examples can be found on the SweetAlert2 project site


In Startup.cs you have the opportunity to configure how sweetalert2 will behave in your application.


With SweetAlertServiceOptions.Theme you can specify one of the official sweetalert2 themes to apply to your modal throughout your application.


With the SweetAlertServiceOptions.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference() method, you can specify which theme the user uses, based on the result of their prefers-color-scheme CSS media query. Most commonly this can be used to help create a dark version of your application, based on user preference. Browsers that do not support the prefers-color-scheme media query will fall back to the theme specified in SweetAlertServiceOptions.Theme

Theme Examples

If you want the default theme by default, and the dark theme if the user prefers a dark color scheme:

services.AddSweetAlert2(options => {
 options.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference(ColorScheme.Dark, SweetAlertTheme.Dark);

A dark theme by default, and a lighter theme if the user prefers a light color scheme:

services.AddSweetAlert2(options => {
 options.Theme = SweetAlertTheme.Dark;
 options.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference(ColorScheme.Light, SweetAlertTheme.Bootstrap4);

A minimal theme as a fallback, and a dark/light theme to match user preference:

services.AddSweetAlert2(options => {
 options.Theme = SweetAlertTheme.Minimal;
 options.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference(ColorScheme.Light, SweetAlertTheme.Default);
 options.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference(ColorScheme.Dark, SweetAlertTheme.Dark);

See prefers-color-scheme for more information.

Default Settings

If you want some settings globally applied to all of your SweetAlert2 dialogs, configure your default settings in Startup.cs

services.AddSweetAlert2(options => {
 options.DefaultOptions = new SweetAlertOptions {
   HeightAuto = false

These can be overriden in individual FireAsync() calls.

NB: This will only apply to FireAsync() calls that take a SweetAlertOptions object as a parameter. The methods that take in primitive types bypass SweetAlertOptions entirely on both the C# and JS libraries.

Notable differences from the JavaScript library

new SweetAlertOptions {
 InputValidator = new InputValidatorCallback((string input) => input.Length == 0 ? "Please provide a value" : null, this),

this is passed in so that the Blazor EventCallback used behind the scenes can trigger a re-render if the state of the calling component was changed in the callback. If the callback does not require the calling component to re-render, passing in this is optional. These callbacks are necessary because there is currently no way to create an EventCallback in Blazor that isn't a component parameter without using the EventCallbackFactory which is clunky. It also allows the callback to return a value that can be used by the SweetAlert2 library. (e.g. A validation message to show if input validation fails.) Native Blazor EventCallbacks only return generic Tasks.

Browser compatibility

IE11*EdgeChromeFirefoxSafariOperaUC Browser

IE Compatibility*

IE Compatibility has been removed in v5 due to sweetalert2@11 dropping their support for it.

If you need to support IE11, use v4 or earlier, and use this script tag instead. (file size is about 35% larger)

<script src="_content/CurrieTechnologies.Razor.SweetAlert2/sweetAlert2.ieCompat.min.js"></script>

You will also likely need to utilize the Blazor.Polyfill library, for general Blazor functionality in IE.


Currently, the original sweetalert2 library contains protestware to disable Russian websites using sweetalert2 when visited by Russian-speaking users. This wrapper library bypasses the effects of that protestware, so there should be no undesired effects when using this library.

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