ProGAN implementation</br>
Dataset: celeb-HQ</br>
- Dowload the dataset and extract it to a folder and change the training dataset path in <i></i></br>
Edit the configurations according to your specification in <i></i></br> Run the file to start the training
A log folder will be created to trace the training of ProGAN. You can check using tensorboard</br>
tensorboard --logdir logs
ProGAN paper: </br>
@misc{karras2018progressive,</br> title={Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation}, </br> author={Tero Karras and Timo Aila and Samuli Laine and Jaakko Lehtinen},</br> year={2018},</br> eprint={1710.10196},</br> archivePrefix={arXiv},</br> primaryClass={cs.NE}</br> }</br>