


Official Repository of "Can Large Language Models Analyze Graphs like Professionals? A Benchmark, Datasets and Models". NeurIPS 2024


<img width="1000px" alt="" src="figures/table_1_comparision.jpg">

Table 1. Comparisons among different graph analysis benchmarks for LLMs.

Graphs are widely used data structures in the real world (e.g., social networks and recommendation systems). Enabling Large Language Models (LLMs) to process graphs is a key step toward more advanced artificial general intelligence. Recently, many researchers have proposed extending LLMs to scenarios requiring graph understanding and analysis. However, we believe existing research has the following main limitations:


<img width="1000px" alt="" src="figures/figure_2_the_pipeline_of_LLM4Graph_dataset_construction_and_corresponding_model_enhancement.jpg">

Figure 1: The pipeline of LLM4Graph dataset construction and corresponding model enhancement(left: close-source models, right: open-source models).

Core Idea: To address these limitations, we follow human experts' problem-solving approach and propose for the first time a method that enables LLMs to solve graph analysis and reasoning problems through code generation: For example, when calculating shortest paths in a million-node graph, human experts don't attempt to reason about the entire graph mentally, but rather call a few lines of code using Python libraries like NetworkX to solve the problem quickly and accurately. Specifically, when the model performs graph analysis tasks, we guide it to write code and call relevant Python libraries, after which we extract and execute the code from the model's response to obtain answers. This programming-based solution can read graph data from files, thereby bypassing LLMs' context length limitations and applying to graph data analysis at any scale.

To better improve LLMs' performance in writing code for graph analysis problems, we explored the following methods for capability enhancement:

<img width="1000px" alt="" src="figures/figure_1_the_pipeline_of_ProGraph_benchmark_construction.jpg">

Figure 2: The pipeline of ProGraph benchmark construction.


1. Create a New Python Virtual Environment

To avoid dependency conflicts, it's recommended to run the project in a new virtual environment. Follow these steps to create one:

Create new virtual environment

conda create -n my_env python==3.10.14

Activate the Virtual Environment

conda activate my_env 

2. Install Dependencies

With the virtual environment activated, use pip to install the project's required dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

3: Set OpenAI API Key

4. Run the ./execute.sh Script

Edit Script Parameters

Before running the script, you may need to edit the execute.sh file to set appropriate parameters based on your needs. For example, set model_type, model_name, and others.

# Open execute.sh and edit the following:

# Set the model type: 'closed' or 'open'
model_type="closed"  # Or set to 'open' depending on your model type

# Set required parameters
# If using an open-source model, also set model_setting
# model_setting="your_model_setting"

# Set other optional parameters as needed

Run the Script

In the project's root directory, execute the following command to run the script:


4. Additional Notes

This shell script is designed to automate the process of running inference and evaluation for either closed-source or open-source models within the graph_tool_agent project. By adjusting the parameters within the script, you can customize the behavior to suit your specific needs.

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Set the Model Type: Determines whether to use a closed-source or open-source model based on the model_type variable.
  2. Set Parameters: Allows you to set required and optional parameters for the chosen modelConstructs and runs the appropriate Python script with the specified parameters.
  3. Execute the generated code: Execute the code generated before.

1. Set the Model Type

model_type="closed"  # Change to 'open' if using an open-source model

2. Conditional Execution Based on Model Type

For Closed-Source Models

if [ "$model_type" = "closed" ]; then
    # For closed-source model
    echo "Please ensure you have filled in your API key and base_url in close_model.py before proceeding."
Set Parameters
    # Set default parameters (modify these as needed)
    model_name="gpt-4o-mini"       # Required: specify your model name
    top_k=0                        # Optional: integer between 0-9; 0 means no RAG
    num_threads=5                  # Optional: integer between 1-32
    lib_name=""              	   # Optional: specify the Python library name
    answer_difficulty=""           # Optional: specify the difficulty level
    category=""                    # Optional: specify the question category
    question_type=""               # Optional: specify the question type

For Open-Source Models

elif [ "$model_type" = "open" ]; then
    # For open-source model
    echo "Please ensure you have the model and model_settings before proceeding."
Set Parameters
    # Set default parameters (modify these as needed)
    model_name="your_model_name"       # Required: specify your model name
    model_setting="your_model_setting" # Required: specify your model setting
    top_k=0                            # Optional: integer between 0-9; 0 means no RAG
    lib_name=""                        # Optional: specify the Python library name
    answer_difficulty=""               # Optional: specify the difficulty level
    category=""                        # Optional: specify the question category
    question_type=""                   # Optional: specify the question type

3. Execute the generated code

cd ../evaluation/run
python 1_run_test.py

Next Level

GraphTeam: Facilitating Large Language Model-based Graph Analysis via Multi-Agent Collaboration


Figure 3. Performance Comparison of GraphTeam versus Baselines Across Six Benchmarks.


      title={Can Large Language Models Analyze Graphs like Professionals? A Benchmark, Datasets and Models}, 
      author={Xin Li and Weize Chen and Qizhi Chu and Haopeng Li and Zhaojun Sun and Ran Li and Chen Qian and Yiwei Wei and Zhiyuan Liu and Chuan Shi and Maosong Sun and Cheng Yang},
      title={GraphTeam: Facilitating Large Language Model-based Graph Analysis via Multi-Agent Collaboration}, 
      author={Xin Li and Qizhi Chu and Yubin Chen and Yang Liu and Yaoqi Liu and Zekai Yu and Weize Chen and Chen Qian and Chuan Shi and Cheng Yang},