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Download: Prune

As your Jamf server ages it often accumulates more and more unused items, such as outdated packages, unscoped policies, mobile device apps... Use Prune to help identify and remove those unused items.

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In the event the server reply indicates an error occurred reading an object it will be logged and you will receive an alert indicating the results may be inaccurate.

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Once the list of unused items is generated you can edit it within the app. If you see an object you wish to keep, say some policy, simply option-click the item in the list. The item will be removed from the list, and hence not removed from the server. Perhaps you'd like to review the item on the server before deleting, not a problem, just double click the item and you'll be taken to it on the Jamf server (may need to authenticate first).

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Usage Calculations<br>

<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Object</th> <th>Determine Usage</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Packages</td> <td>Check for usage in policies, patch policies, computer prestages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Scripts</td> <td>Check for usage in policies</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Computer Groups</td> <td>Check for usage in policies, computer configuration profiles, computer groups, eBooks, restricted software, advanced searches, app installers, enabled state</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Computer Profiles</td> <td>Check scope, computer prestages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Policies</td> <td>Check scope</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mac Apps</td> <td>Check scope</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Restricted Software</td> <td>Check scope for computer groups</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Computer Extension Attributes</td> <td>Check scope for computer groups, advanced searches (also checks display tab), enabled state</td> </tr> <tr> <td>eBooks</td> <td>Check scope</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile Device Groups</td> <td>Check for usage in mobile device apps, mobile device configuration profiles, mobile device groups, eBooks, classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile Device Profiles</td> <td>Check scope</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Classes</td> <td>Check scope, only looks for students/student groups/mobile device assignements</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile Device Extension Attributes</td> <td>Check scope for mobile device groups, advanced searches</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br><br> <hr><br>


Logging information is written to: ~/Library/Containers/com.jamf.pse.prune/Data/Library/Logs/Prune.log



2024-09-26 - v3.2.2: Address crash when exporting after an import. Address title being truncated, full name appears as a tooltip.

2024-02-09 - v3.2.1: Query App Installers for groups used for scoping.

2024-02-04 - v3.2.0: Update login window. Add support for bearer token. Provide an alert if some lookups fail, which may result in inaccurate results.

2023-10-15 - v3.1.1: Fix issue #42. Updated token refresh process to address issue #41 and update logging.

2023-09-16 - v3.1.0: Fix issue #39, double quotes in display name. Better handling of bearer token expiration. Fix issue export to csv policies. Enable the sharing of keychain items created with this app to other apps I write.

2023-07-14 - v3.0.2: Guard against faulty package configurations in computer prestages. Check for extension attributes used only on the display tab of an advanced search.

2023-04-07 - v3.0.1: Updated logging to prevent potential looping.

2023-03-21 - v3.0.0: Updated UI. Add ability to export results to a CSV (option-Export).

2023-03-08 - v2.4.0: Add scanning of Mac Apps.

2022-11-18 - v2.3.3: Fix issue where extension attributes used as creteria in smart groups were listed as unused.

2022-11-18 - v2.3.2: Fix computer/mobile device extension attributes not deleting (#29).

2022-11-16 - v2.3.1: Fix issue where policies that are disabled and scoped were not showing up as unused (#27).

2022-11-15 - v2.3.0: List policies that are disabled and still scoped (#27). List computer extension attributes that are disabled. The item will have ' [disabled]' appended to its name. Scan advanced searches (#26) for groups and extension attributes used as criteria. Adjust URL to view unused scripts based on Jamf Pro version.

2022-07-27 - v2.2.5: Resolve crash when import

2022-04-25 - v2.2.4: Fix crash when scanning only computer (configuration) profiles. Add keyboard shortcut and menu bar item (View --> Logs Folder) to open logs folder.

2022-04-21 - v2.2.3: Fix some potential authentication issues. Add deterministic progress wheel to provide current status while deleting items.

2022-02-17 - Add token authentication to the classic API for Jamf Pro 10.35+. Add feedback while items are being deleted from the Jamf Pro server. Resolved removal warning always showing 0 items (#13 ) and items not getting deleted when importing files (#14 ). Resolve crash that could occur if computer groups was not scanned, issue #15. Resolve issue #16, packages in patch policies not being picked up.

2022-01-17 - Apologies in advance. Layout changed as a dedicated login window was added. Added restricted software as an item to query. Changed Remove button to Delete.

2021-09-23 - Fixed issue where ebooks and classes were not getting deleted.

2021-09-23 - Updated URL used for a token request from Jamf Pro API, corrected extra comma in exported items, added export summary.

2021-05-30 - Scan computer prestages for packages and configuration profiles. Remove check against computer configurations. Fix app crash whem only classes is selected. Fix issue of duplicate API calls. Additional error handling.

2021-05-23 - Version 1.3.0: Added scan against eBooks and Classes.

2020-10-06 - Version 1.2.0: Guard against corrupt policies/scripts (having no name). Added warning before deleting is initiated. Write logging information to: ~/Library/Containers/com.jamf.pse.prune/Data/Library/Logs/Prune.log