

Variational- and Metric-based Deep Latent Space for Out-of-Distribution Detection




You can use the attached yaml file for easy install.

Whats included?

All the code required to train/test and reproduce the results. Due to size limitations, we have included all the checkpoints and weights in the following anonymized google drive: Google Drive


AutoEncoder Weights

Download the files ae_mnist.ckpt and ae_cifar100.ckpt, place both of them under the models directory. Those are the weights for the auto encoders (which are used during the reconstruction weighting). Alternatively, you can run the files train_resnet_ae.py and mnist_ae.py in order to train the autoencoders for mnsit and CIFAR-100, in that case you will need to update the paths in the file models/vae.py. CIFAR-10 uses pretrained pytorch-lighting AE.


Go to ODIN Github repository, download and extract the datasets Tiny-ImageNet Crop, Tiny-ImageNet Resize, LSUN Crop, LSUN resize, and place them under data/openset/Imagenet, data/openset/Imagenet_resize,data/openset/LSUN,data/openset/LSUN_resize respectivley.

Download the Omniglot test set and place it under data/omniglot-py/images_evaluation/.

The rest of the datasets will be downloaded during training/testing.

Finetuning weights

For the Cifar100 - Download checkpoint_100.pth.tar from the google drive, or as an alternative you can download from here, which is the version we have finetuned. For the WideResnet - Download finetuning_wideresnet.tar from the google drive.


We have included the checkpoints for the experiments, download the relevant checkpoints and use them for testing as described below. Place the checkpoints in the main directory.


Neptune is used for all the logging done. While it is not mandatory, more information is passes to the logger. If you wish to use neptune, update the files main.py and test.py with your neptune details, specificity, you should update the neptune logger project, experiment and API key (optional, an enviroment variable can be used instead). To disable neptune logging, add --offline argument, note that you should still have it installed, and some logs are only saved to neptune.


The testing is done via the file test.py, to reproduce the results in the paper use the following arguments:


DenseNet: python test.py --enc_type densenet --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 342 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 5 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 200 --margin_max_distance 64 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar_test --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.001 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 30 --checkpoint_path cifar10_densenet.ckpt --batch_classes 1 --sample_count 4996 --batch_size 2500 --ae_features

ResNet: python test.py --enc_type resnet18 --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 512 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 1 --lower_bound 0.98 --data_dir ./data --step_size 100 --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset lsun-crop --data_transforms cifar_test --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.1 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 1 --sample_count 4996 --batch_size 2500 --checkpoint_path cifar10_resnet.ckpt --ae_features

VGG: python test.py --enc_type vgg --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 1024 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 100 --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-crop --data_transforms cifar_test --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.001 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 1 --sample_count 2500 --batch_size 2500 --checkpoint_path cifar10_vgg.ckpt --ae_features

WideResNet: python test.py --enc_type wresnet --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 640 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 5 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 200 --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-crop --data_transforms cifar_test --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.001 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 30 --checkpoint_path cifar10_wresnet.ckpt --batch_classes 2 --sample_count 2500 --batch_size 2000


python test.py --enc_type densenet --latent_dim 64 --enc_out_dim 342 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 5 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 100 --margin_max_distance 64 --known_dataset cifar100_known --unknown_dataset lsun-resize --data_transforms cifar_test --input_height 32 --class_num 100 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.01 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 10 --sample_count 450 --batch_size 500 --checkpoint_path cifar100_densenet.ckpt --ae_features


python test.py --enc_type mnist-conv --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 500 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 151 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 75 --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset mnist --unknown_dataset omniglot --data_transforms blob --input_height 28 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.1 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 1 --sample_count 4996 --batch_size 2500 --checkpoint_path cnn_mnist.ckpt --ae_features

Relevant Arguments

Note that disabling the reconstruction might require to alter the F1 thresholding in the code, as the values are in a different scale, for efficiency in the testing it only scans values are are relevant when the reconstruction is enabled. To alter the values modify the function log_test_statistics in models/vae.py.


The training is done via the file main.py, with the following possible arguments:

For example, if you wish to reproduce the CIFAR-10 experiment with VGG, you would use:

python main.py --enc_type vgg --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 1024 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "1,"  --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.95 --data_dir ./data --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --lr 0.001 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 8 --sample_count 8  --batch_size 64 --opt adam

For the CIFAR-10 experiment with ResNet18:

python main.py --enc_type resnet18 --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 512 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0,"  --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.95 --data_dir ./data --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.01 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 10 --batch_classes 10 --sample_count 8  --batch_size 400 --opt sgd

For the CIFAR-10 experiment with DenseNet:

python main.py --enc_type densenet --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 342 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "1,"  --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.95 --data_dir ./data --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.1 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 30 --batch_classes 10 --sample_count 8  --batch_size 420 --opt sgd

Or the MNIST experiment (note that here you will get good results even with only 100 epochs):

 python main.py --enc_type mnist-conv --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 500 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 100 --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset mnist --unknown_dataset omniglot --data_transforms mnist --input_height 28 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.0001 --opt adam --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 1 --batch_classes 10 --sample_count 16 --batch_size 400

Or, as another example, if we wish to reproduce the CIFAR-100 finetune experiment:

python main.py --enc_type densenet --latent_dim 64 --enc_out_dim 342 --max_epochs 200 --gpus "0," --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.05 --data_dir ./data --step_size 64 --margin_max_distance 64 --known_dataset cifar100_known 
--unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar --input_height 32 --class_num 100 --lr 0.001 --opt sgd --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 40 --batch_classes 20 --sample_count 20 --batch_size 400 --weights checkpoint_100.pth.tar --finetune_lr 0.01 --finetune

For the fine-tune widereset experiment:

python main.py --enc_type wresnet --latent_dim 32 --enc_out_dim 640 --max_epochs 500 --gpus "0,"  --generation_epoch 0 --lower_bound 0.95 --data_dir ./data --margin_max_distance 32 --known_dataset cifar_known --unknown_dataset imagenet-resize --data_transforms cifar --input_height 32 --class_num 10 --kl_coeff 0.1 --lr 0.001 --step_size 100 --margin_jump 1.0 --margins_epoch 40 --batch_classes 10 --sample_count 20  --batch_size 640 --weights finetuning_wideresnet.tar --finetune_lr 0.01 --finetune

In general, we have used the last checkpoint of the training for the experiments, and most statistics are uploaded to neptune. However we do print the accuracy of the model (out of the positive samples) and the F1-score. Those are not the <i>true</i> values, as midtraining we only use the ultimate layer, and not the feature ensemble.

Citing this work

If you use this code for your work, please cite the following:

  title={Variational-and Metric-based Deep Latent Space for Out-of-Distribution Detection},
  author={Dinari, Or and Freifeld, Oren},
  booktitle={The 38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},