

#PyQLab Instrument and Qubit Control Software

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This is a python package for simulating and experimentally implementing control of superconducting qubit systems. It complements and sometimes overlaps with the Qlab repository.


See example usage in this Jupyter notebook.

##Setup instructions

The most straightforward way to get up and running is to use the Anaconda Python distribution. This includes nearly the dependencies. The few remaining can be installed from the termminal or Anaconda Command Prompt on Windows

conda install atom
conda install enaml
pip install watchdog

Use of the QGL module requires the PyQLab folder to be included in PYTHONPATH. On windows machines, you add/modify this environment variable by going to System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment variables. On Mac/Linux machines add the following line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/PyQlab:$PYTHONPATH

The PyQLab config file will be created the first time you run startup.py or config.py.
