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Wraith is a screenshot comparison tool, created by developers at BBC News.

DocumentationSourceResponsive News Website

What is it?

Wraith uses a headless browser to create screenshots of webpages on different environments (or at different moments in time) and then creates a diff of the two images; the affected areas are highlighted in blue.

Photo of BBC News with a diff


For instructions on how to install, set up and use Wraith and all of its features, visit the Wraith documentation.

A brief overview of how Wraith works is provided below.

Wraith modes

There are several ways in which Wraith can be used:

  1. Comparison of 2 domains (wraith capture). There are also some specialist options within this mode:
    • Spidering 2 domains for changes (wraith capture when no paths property is provided in the configuration file)
    • Running several comparisons at once (wraith multi_capture)
  2. Comparing the same domain over time (wraith history, then wraith latest)

Whichever mode you decide to run Wraith in, the process it follows is generally the same:


ImageMagick is required to compare the screenshots and crop images.

Wraith also requires at least one of these headless browsers:


Please read how to contribute to Wraith.


Wraith is available to everyone under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Take a look at Wraith's LICENSE file.



Anyone interested in integrating selenium capability with Wraith should check out Selenium-Wraith (maintained by Mathew Hall), which was forked from BBC's Wraith on 16/04/14 and adds the following capabilities:

  1. Selenium integration, both running locally on a desktop or on a selenium grid
  2. Browser to browser screenshot comparison
  3. Page component-based comparison