


Azure Orkestra's default workflow executor


The default executor is responsible for deploying the HelmRelease object passed in as an input parameter to the docker container. The HelmRelease is represented by a base64 encoded YAML string. The executor deploys, watches and polls for the status of the deployed HelmRelease until it either succeeds/fails or it times out. The timeout interval is configurable with the default set to 5m.

CLI options

  $ make build
  $ ./bin/executor --help
Usage of /var/folders/g1/9bc3h33n3rb70fbxp_t1v4dc0000gn/T/go-build274703125/b001/e
  -spec string
        Spec of the helmrelease object to apply
  -timeout string
        Timeout for the execution of the argo workflow task (default "5m")