

Batch scoring of Spark machine learning models


This scenario demonstrates batch scoring of a Spark machine learning model on Azure Databricks. We use a predictive maintenance scenario where we classify machine sensor readings to classify a set of four machine components into healthy or unhealthy requiring maintenance states. The resulting supervised multi-class classifier model scores batches of new observations through a regularly scheduled Azure Databricks notebook job.

The solution uses methods from the PySpark MLlib machine learning library, but the scoring process can be generalized to use any Spark, Python or R model hosted on Azure Databricks to make real-time predictions.

For an in-depth description of the scenario, we have documented the operations in each of the supplied Jupyter notebooks contained in the ./notebooks/ directory of this repository.


This solution uses the Azure Databricks service. We create jobs that set up the batch scoring demonstration. Each job executes a Databricks notebook to prepare the data and create the full solution. Within the architecture diagram below, each of the boxes represents a different job:

  1. Ingest downloads the simulated data sets from a GitHub site and converts and stores them as Spark dataframes on the Databricks DBFS. “Input Data” in the architecture diagram refers to a set of five simulated data sets related to realistic machine operating conditions.

  2. Feature engineering transforms and combines the data sets into an analysis data set. The analysis data set can be targeted for training a model or scoring data for a production pipeline. Each analysis data set is also stored in the Databricks DBFS.

  3. Training takes a subset of the complete data and constructs a model we can use to predict future outcomes. The model is stored in the Databricks DBFS for use by the scoring notebook.

  4. Scoring uses a different subset of the data, including data not yet collected to predict the current and future state of the machine. The model results are stored back onto the Databricks DBFS.

Databricks Architecture diagram


Azure Databricks

This example is designed to run on Azure Databricks. Provision the service through your Azure subscription at the Azure portal.

See https://docs.azuredatabricks.net/getting-started/index.html for detailed documentation on using Azure Databricks.

Databricks cluster

Once your Azure Databricks service has been created, you will need to create a compute cluster to execute the notebooks.

Databricks CLI

We will be using a Databricks command line utility (CLI) to automate running notebook tasks using the Databricks Jobs construct. Installing the Databricks CLI will simplify some of the operations required for this scenario. The first step is to import the Jupyter notebooks from the repository into your Databricks workspace. This can be accomplished with 1 command once the CLI is connected to your Azure Databricks instance.

From a command line, you can pip install the CLI using

pip install --upgrade databricks-cli


git clone https://github.com/Azure/BatchSparkScoringPredictiveMaintenance.git

The next two subsections of this document detail how to:

Connect the CLI to your Databricks instance

We need to connect the CLI to your databricks instance. This can be done using a Databricks generated Authentication token. This linking only needs to be done once.

  1. Copy the url portion of the web address of your Azure Databricks instance from your browser. You will not use the POST arguments for the hostname (everything including and following the '?' character). In eastus region, it will be https://eastus.azuredatabricks.net/.

  2. Create and copy an authentication token. Instructions are provided at the link above.

  3. From your working machine command line, databricks configure --token. This will prompt you for your Azure Databricks hostname and the authentication token.

Import Notebooks

Use the CLI to copy the scenario notebooks to your Databricks instance. From your working machine command line, change into the local copy of the repository. Then databricks workspace import_dir [OPTIONS] SOURCE_PATH TARGET_PATH

The command should look like the following:

databricks workspace import_dir ./notebooks /Users/<uname@example.com>/notebooks

This will copy all required notebooks into the notebooks folder of your Azure Databricks Workspace.

To find these notebooks in your Azure Databricks Workspace, use the Workspace icon, follow the path to your /Users/<uname@example.com>/notebooks. Databricks uses Jupyter notebooks with some extensions. Instructions on how to use Jupyter notebooks are at https://docs.databricks.com/user-guide/notebooks/notebook-use.html#run-notebooks.


To create the full example scenario, log into your Azure Databricks workspace and run through the following notebooks that are now located there.

These notebooks need to be run sequentially in alpha-numeric order, as each depends on data artifacts produced in the previous notebooks full run.

When running the notebooks, you may have to start your Azure Databricks cluster or attach these notebooks to your Azure Databricks cluster. The UI will prompt you if this is required.

The scenario is constructed as a pipeline flow, where each notebook is optimized to perform in a batch setting for each of the ingest, feature engineering, model building, model scoring operations. To accomplish this, the feature engineering notebook is designed to be used to generate a general data set for any of the training, calibrate, test or scoring operations. In this scenario, we use a temporal split strategy for these operations, so the notebook parameters are used to set date range filtering.


This scenario demonstrates how to automate the batch scoring of a predictive maintenance solution. The actual work of the "batch scoring a spark model" scenario is done through an Azure Databricks job. The job executes the 3_Scoring_Pipeline notebook, which depends on a machine learning model existing on the Azure Databricks file storage. We created the model using the 2_Training_Pipeline notebook which used the data downloaded with the 1_data_ingestion notebook.

Cleaning up

The easiest way to cleanup this work is to delete the resource group containing the Azure Databricks instance.

  1. Through the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com) search for databricks.
  2. Open your Azure Databricks service and select the Resource Group link.
  3. Delete resource group will remove the Azure Databricks service and all associated resources including the notebooks and data artifacts used in this scenario.

You may also want to remove the Databricks CLI from your python environment with

pip uninstall databricks-cli


This scenario has been developed using a similar predictive maintenance use case published at following reference locations:

We have also built an additional reference architecture leveraging spark for building real-time recommendation systems with off-line, pre-computed scores. These recommendation systems are common scenarios where scores are batch-processed. Relevant information about this related architecture is available here:


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John Ehrlinger john.ehrlinger@microsoft.com