

page_type: sample languages:

Language Understanding (LUIS) Samples

Welcome to the Language Understanding (LUIS) samples repository. LUIS allows your application to understand what a person wants in their own words. LUIS uses machine learning to allow developers to build applications that can receive user input in natural language and extract meaning from it.

Create your Azure LUIS service

Use the Deploy to Azure button to quickly create an Azure LUIS service. You get one free LUIS service per account. The free service has a sku of F0. The basic tier has a sku of S0.

Create LUIS Service on Azure

Examples by language

Create and customize a LUIS app (Authoring)
Predict user utterances (Runtime)REST, SDKRESTRESTRESTREST
Build app programmaticallyREST, SDK
Upload utterances from query log
Upload utterances from exported app
Quickstarts: Change modelDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDocker
Quickstarts: Analyze textDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDockerDocker
Azure function to LUIS endpoint
Backup all apps in Subscription
Add list entity
*Notes app sample Docker
App model definition - Bookflight
App model definition - Colors
App model definition - IoT
Phrase lists
Bing Spell Check
Azure function with application insights
Download query log asynchronously
Get region from app ID and subscription key
*Bot Integration sample - hotel finder
Bot Integration sample - HomeAutomation
Bot Integration sample - HomeAutomation & Application Insights
Bot Integration sample - <br>Study Bot - Csharp, Node

* = example demonstrates complete cycle: create, train, publish, query

Examples by usage

Create and customize a LUIS app (Authoring)Uses the LUIS SDK to create then customize an app
Predict user utterances (Runtime)Uses the LUIS SDK to show utterance relevancy and intent scores
Build app programmaticallyAuthoring API
Upload utterances from query logAuthoring API
Upload utterances from exported appAuthoring API
Add an utterance to app modelAuthoring API
Send utterance to endpointEndpoint API, Public app
Azure function to LUIS endpointEndpoint API
Backup all apps in SubscriptionAuthoring API
Notes app sample Create-Train-Publish-Query, Prebuilt domain
App model definition - BookflightHierarchical entity, Composite entity, List entity, datetimeV2 prebuilt entity, number prebuilt entity, upload labeled utterance
App model definition - ColorsPhrase list feature
App model definition - IoTPrebuilt domain
Phrase listsPhrase list feature, Hierarchical entity, datetimeV2 prebuilt entity, number prebuilt entity
Bing Spell CheckPublic App
Azure function with application insightsAzure function, Application Insights
Add list entityList entity, train, query
Download query log asynchronouslyAuthoring API
Bot Integration sample - hotel finderBot Framework SDK, Create-Train-Publish-Query
Bot Integration sample - HomeAutomationWeb app bot
Bot Integration sample - HomeAutomation & Application InsightsWeb app bot, Application Insights
Bot Integration sample - <br>Study Bot - Csharp, NodeWeb app bot that integrates LUIS, QnA Maker, Bing Spell Check, and Speech Service

Interactive app

Ask LUIS to turn on the lights in this interactive demonstration.


Tell the Contoso Health bot where you are injured and the bot will recommend remedies.

Intelligent Kiosk

The open-source Intelligent Kiosk Sample version is a collection of apps showcasing workflows and experiences built on top of the Microsoft Cognitive Services. Most of the experiences are hands-free and autonomous, using the human faces in front of a web camera as the main form of input (thus the word "kiosk" in the name).

Install the currently supported Intelligent Kiosk as a Windows 10 app and try out the various apps inside the kiosk, including apps with LUIS.



last updated Oct 2019

Rest API ref docs

VersionTypeBy route
V3 stablePrediction
V3 previewAuthoringRoutes
V2 stablePrediction
V2 stableAuthoringRoutes


last updated Feb 13, 2019

LanguagePackage ManagerSamplesReference Documentation
C#NuGet - authoring<br>NuGet - runtimeSamplesDocs
GoSDK - authoring<br>SDK - runtime-Docs
JavaMaven - authoring<br>Maven - runtimeSamplesDocs
JavascriptNPM - authoring<br>NPM - runtimeSamples


Azure CLI

Azure RM Powershell

Common HTTP response codes

Http codes


Related Services


Azure status

Regional availability: LUIS is part of the AI and Machine Learning section.


updated Dec 15, 2018


Video demonstration of LUIS container.

//BUILD 2018

Other videos

LUIS with Bot framework Blog

Courses including LUIS

Related Microsoft Projects

Searching docs

Community Projects

If you find an open-source project or sample using LUIS, submit a PR for the community-projects.md file.

Prediction Routes v3 Stable

Authoring Routes v3 Preview

Authoring Routes v2 Stable

Route map generated with swagger-tools.


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.

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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.