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Azure Maps & Azure Active Directory Samples

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These are 4 different samples using AspNetCore C# to quick start Azure AD authentication to Azure Maps. Each sample uses different authentication protocols depending on application need which are supported by Azure AD and Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC).


Outline the file contents of the repository. It helps users navigate the codebase, build configuration and any related assets.

src/ImplicitGrantSamples used to show user authentication without a server component.
src/OpenIdConnectSamples using Microsoft's recommended protocol for secure web applications
src/ClientGrantSamples showing application authentication without user interaction.
.gitignoreDefine what to ignore at commit time.
CONTRIBUTING.mdGuidelines for contributing to the sample.
README.mdThe starting readme.
LICENSEThe license for the sample.


Prior to downloading these samples


In the Azure Active Directory, create new application registration

In the Azure Portal create an Azure Maps account

Running the sample

Key concepts


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