


An Improved Sketch-RNN model using Transformer Encoder and MMD loss.

This code base contributes towards the Sketch-Generative model of this paper:

"Pixelor: A Competitive Sketching AI Agent. So you think you can beat me?", Ayan Kumar Bhunia*, Ayan Das*, Umar Riaz Muhammad*, Yongxin Yang, Timothy Hospedales, Tao Xiang, Yulia Gryaditskaya, Yi-Zhe Song (*equal contribution), [Siggraph Asia 2020].

The code for the "Neural Sorting" model of the paper can be found here: https://github.com/dasayan05/neuralsort-siggraph

Note: Some parts of the code are borrowed from the original sketch-RNN and Pytorch-sketchRNN(faulty) implementations.