


Listen to any audio stream on your machine and print out the transcribed or translated audio. Based on OpenAI's Whisper project. If you want to live transcribe or translate audio from a livestream or URL, you can find it here


  1. Turn on stereo mix settings on windows first before running the script
  2. Install and add ffmpeg to your PATH
  3. Install CUDA to your system


  1. choose envs of your choices.
  2. clone this repo into your local storage.
  3. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run python audioWhisper.py --devices true to get device_index and channel
  5. run python audioWhisper.py . Make sure to define the index of Stereo Mix output device if it is not 2.
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Awexander/audioWhisper/main/screenshots/--deviceslist.png">

Command-line flags

--flagsDefault ValueDescription
--devicesfalseTo print all available devices
--modelsmallSelect model list. refer here
--tasktranscribeChoose between to transcribe or to translate the audio to English
--device_index2Choose the output device to listen to and transcribe the audio from this device
--channel2Number of channels of the output device
--rate44100Sampling rate of the output device
--audioseconds5Length of audio files to record (seconds)
--audiocounts5Number of audio files to save into path
--output_dir"audio"Output directory to save audio files recorded by audioWhisper.py

Bugs and Fixes

The performance of the transcribing and translating the audio are depending on your machine's performance and model you used. medium or large models could give more accurate and make sense translation while tiny and small is good enough for transcribing the english audio.

  1. Make sure the playback device of your machine is the same with Stereo Mix device before you run the script. <img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Awexander/audioWhisper/main/screenshots/stereomix.png>

Performance Test on Ryzen 5 5600G with NVIDIA RTX3060

The translated audio is not perfect but it can still translate the point of the talk from audio. Video demo for this app is on youtube.


The code and the model weights of Whisper are released under the MIT License. See their repo for more information. The code of this repo is under MIT License. See LICENSE for further details.