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Authing Miniapp SDK(authing-wxapp-sdk) is suitable for use in wechat Miniapp environmen,baseed authing-js-sdk,adapted wechat Miniapp environment。You can use authing-js-sdk AuthenticationClient all methods,such as obtaining and modifying user data, adding user-defined fields, etc。For example: Obtain the user's mobile phone number through wechat authorizationLog in with wechat authorizationLog in with the mobile number authorized by wechat, etc。

Configuring Miniapp login in Authing

To use the authoring Miniapp SDK in Miniapp,you need to apply for a small program on theWeixin Official Accounts Platform,and at the same time Authing Console fill in the configuration of the Miniapp.

<details> <summary><strong>Configure Miniapp login</strong></summary>
  1. Go to Weixin Official Accounts Platform first, register a wechat Miniapp development account.

  1. Go to Authing 控制台 open wechat Miniapp social login.



Starting from the basic library version 2.2.1 or above and the developer tool 1.02.1808300 or above, the applet supports the installation of third-party packages using NPM. For details, please refer to: npm support.

Install NPM package

Use NPM:

npm install authing-wxapp-sdk

Use Yarn:

yarn add authing-wxapp-sdk

Building NPM in Miniapp developer tools

Click the menu bar in the developer tool:Tool --> building npm:

<img src="https://cdn.authing.cn/blog/20201112141931.png" height="400px"></img>

Check the use NPM module Option:


Init AuthenticationClient need passing AppId:

You can view your application list in applications on the console.

const { AuthenticationClient } = require("authing-wxapp-sdk");

const authing = new AuthenticationClient({
  appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",

The complete parameter list is as follows:

(code: number, message: string, data: any) => void

Refer to for complete error codes doc


After the user logs in, the SDK will write the user's token into the storage of wechat, and subsequent requests will automatically carry the token for access.

const { code } = await wx.login();
// No user authorization required
const user = await authing.loginByCode(code); // 成功登录,将 token 写入微信 Storage

// You can do this after logging in
await authing.updateProfile((nickname: "Bob"));

Subsequently, the user opens the applet again. If the token of the user is saved in the storage of the applet, the request to access authing will automatically carry the token.

// The request can succeed because the user is logged in.
await authing.updateProfile((nickname: "Mick"));

API Reference

You can use authing-js-sdk AuthenticationClient all methods,the calling method is completely consistent with Authing JS SDK.


Log in with wechat authorization。



  1. Silent authorization

The nickname and avatar in the profile of the first registered user will be empty because the user's Avatar and nickname are not obtained.

const { code } = await wx.login();
const data = await authing.loginByCode(code);
  1. User manually authorized to obtain nickname Avatar

Authorization is only required for the first time. Users can use Wx GetUserInfo get the nickname of the avatar directly

<button open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo="getUserInfo">
  Get avatar nickname
getUserInfo: async function (e) {
  const { code } = await wx.login()
  const { rawData } = e.detail
  const user = await authing.loginByCode(code, { rawData })

  // or passing iv encryptedData
  // const { iv, encryptedData } = e.detail
  // const user = await authing.loginByCode(code, { iv, encryptedData })

const { rawData } = await wx.getUserInfo();
const user = await authing.loginByCode(code, { rawData });
// 或者传 iv encryptedData
// const { iv, encryptedData } = e.detail
// const user = await authing.loginByCode(code, { iv, encryptedData })


Log in through wechat mobile number authorization. Each call requires manual authorization by the user.



<button open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhone">
  get phone code
getPhone: async function(e) {
  const { code } = await wx.login()
  const { iv, encryptedData } = e.detail
  const data = await authing.loginByPhone(code, iv, encryptedData)


Get the mobile phone number of the current user (you will not use this mobile phone number to register or bind an account).



<button open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhone">
getPhone: async function(e) {
  const { code } = await wx.login()
  const { iv, encryptedData } = e.detail
  const data = await authing.getPhone(code, iv, encryptedData)

Example of returned data:

  "countryCode": "86",
  "phoneNumber": "176xxxx6754",
  "purePhoneNumber": "176xxxx6754",
  "openid": "o1p9H4wAgb9uTqpxG5Z1g0pIr3FE",
  "unionid": "o0pqE6Fbr5M-exSu_PeL_sjwN44U"


Update user avatar, this method will automatically call wx.chooseimage to get the image and upload it to the CDN of authoring, only one line of code is required.


const { photo } = await authing.updateAvatar();

Best practices

We recommend that when the user uses the applet for the first time, use 'loginbycode' to obtain the authing account corresponding to the applet account. If the account has been bound with a mobile phone number before, there is no need to request the user to authorize the mobile phone number again. If the account is not bound with a mobile phone number, call the 'loginbyphone' method to request the user to authorize a mobile phone number.

After the user logs in, authing wxApp SDK will write the token to the storage of the applet. You can call authing.checkloginstatus() judge whether the user's token is valid, and log in again when the token is invalid.

Error handling

You can use try catch to handle errors:

try {
  const user = await authing.loginByEmail("test@example.com", "passw0rd");
} catch (error) {
  console.log(error.code); // 2004
  console.log(error.message); // User does not exist

See for complete error codes: doc

You can also specify onerror to catch all authing request exceptions, such as using wx.showmodal and other wechat components display error prompts.

const authing = new AuthenticationClient({
  onError: (code, message) => {
      content: message,
      showCancel: false,
