

Open Enterprise

Note: Open Enterprise is the new name of That Planning Suite.

Build Status Coverage Status

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 --> <p align="center"> <a href="#development-setup">Development Setup</a> • <a href="#app-overview">App Overview</a> • <a href="#contact">Contact</a> </p> <!-- markdownlint-enable MD033 -->

Open Enterprise is a collection of Aragon apps that enable organizations to curate issues, collectively budget, and design custom reward and bounty programs. If you are interested in viewing app demos or want to install them to your Rinkeby organizations, learn more here: https://www.autark.xyz/apps

Release status: The apps are currently on Rinkeby and undergoing a security audit and UX enhancements. The apps will be released to mainnet in Q4 2019.

Development Setup

# Bootstrap project dependencies:
$ npm i

# Start a local blockchain and deploy
# aragon dao kit with all apps:
$ npm start

# Develop single app react frontend:
$ npm run dev:projects

# Develop single app with backend and aragon wrapper:
$ npm run start:dot

# current app name aliases: {address, allocations, dot, projects, rewards}

Extra tips

Detailed information in the DEVELOPMENT_NOTES.md document.

App Overview

Open Enterprise is a collection of five Aragon Apps that supports the following:

Review more details


We can be found in the autark.community keybase channel. If you have any questions or want to get involved in our development please drop in.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the Aragon Network for funding our work with three grants to date (Nest, AGP-19, and AGP-73).