

Logo by Katka

Audiveris - Open-source Optical Music Recognition

The goal of an OMR application is to allow the end-user to transcribe a score image into its symbolic counterpart. This opens the door to its further use by many kinds of digital processing such as playback, music edition, searching, republishing, etc.

The Audiveris application is built around the tight integration of two main components: an OMR engine and an OMR editor.

Key characteristics

The core of engine music information (OMR data) is fully documented and made publicly available, either directly via XML-based .omr project files or via the Java API of this software.
Audiveris comes with an integrated exporter to write (a subset of) this OMR data into MusicXML 4.0 format. In the future, other exporters are expected to build upon OMR data to support other target formats.

Stable releases

On a rather regular basis, typically every 6 to 12 months, a new release is made available on the dedicated Audiveris Releases page.

The goal of a release is to provide significant improvements, well tested and integrated, resulting in a software as easy as possible to install and use:

See details in the related handbook section.

Development versions

The Audiveris project is developed on GitHub, the site you are reading.
Any one can download, build and run this software. The needed tools are git, gradle and a Java Development Kit (jdk), as described in this handbook section.

There are two main branches in Audiveris project:

See details in the Wiki article dedicated to the chosen development workflow.

Further Information

Users and Developers are advised to read Audiveris User Handbook, and the more general Wiki set of articles.


  1. If you wish to give a hand, you are more than welcome!