

AudioKit Synth One

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We've open-sourced the code for this synthesizer so that everyone is able to make changes to the code, introduce new features, fix bugs, improve efficiency, and keep the synthesizer up-to-date with all new capabilities of the base operating system. Synth One is now Universal for iPhone/iPad!


“AudioKit Synth One is a wonderful example of how iPad can change the way music is made.”
– Apple, App Store Editorial Team

If you're new to AudioKit, you can learn more: here. This code and app is made possible by all the contributors to AudioKit. Many of the features of Synth One are available as modules in AudioKit, allowing you easy access to oscillators, filters, reverbs, effects, and other DSP processing: code here.

Features & App Store Location

Master and Develop Branches

The two primary branches of this repository are intended to be used as follows:


You must install the pods that we depend on before you can compile the project. To do so, run the following at the root of the project:

You may uncomment the line in Podfile to switch to our cutting-edge staging (unstable) releases of AudioKit, as opposed to the stable releases in the mainstream CocoaPods specs.

Link Installation

The repository builds and runs without modification, but the Link functionality will be missing.

Because of the way Ableton distributes their Link SDK, we can not simply include the Link files here. Instead, we include our Link wrapping files and expect you to do two things to get Link working on your machine:


If you are new to iOS development, we recommend the Ray Wenderlich videos. There is also a great tutorial on basic synthesis with AudioKit here.

Beginner? We have two additional code examples. There is a simple Swift Synth and a Sample Player. A fun exercise might be replacing the sample player code engine with synthesis.

Ableton Link Support

We now include optional support for the Ableton Link SDK. Because files from this private SDK are required to compile this code, it is turned off by default.

You may enable this code by copying the SDK to your copy of Synth One and setting the ABLETON_ENABLED user setting to 1 in the project settings in Xcode.


We intend to have every major section of the code placed within its own folder, with an included README.md file, like this one. This file should explain the contents of the folder and give developers any hints about what could be improved.

This folder's contents


Opportunities for Contributing

Here's a few ideas for you to contribute to this historic project:

✓ DONE: Create an iPhone/Universal version. Thanks to Matthew Fecher for his contributions in creating the universal/iPhone version.

✓ DONE: Add accessibility functionality to AudioKit Synth One. Thanks to Stanley Rosenbaum for making Synth One accessible to all musicians.

If you have audio development experience and want to be involved with contributing to the app store version of Synth One, please email hello@audiokitpro.com

There are a few major updates we intend for this synth:

Code Usage

You are free to:

(1) Use this code as a learning tool.
(2) Change the graphics, and include this as part of a bigger app you are building.
(3) Re-skin this app (change all the UI graphics/controls), and upload to the app store.
(4) Contribute code back to this project and improve the code for other people

If you use any code, it would be great if you gave this project some credit or a mention. The more love this code receives, the better we can make it for everyone. And, always give AudioKit a shout-out when you can! :)

If you make an app with this code, please let us know! We think you're awesome, and would love to hear from you and/or feature your app.

We have most of the cool stuff (Filters, Oscillators, Effects, etc) abstracted out into the main AudioKit library. Use those building blocks to create your own app!

SUPER IMPORTANT: You must change the Graphics & UI if you upload this to the app store. Apple has a rule (4.1) about copycat apps in the app store. One developer has had his Developer account banned by Apple for taking advantage of this code (copying & pasting to make a Synth One clone). Don't let it happen to you. Synth One is a really popular app in the app store, and Apple has featured it in Retail Stores across the United States. If you have questions, feel free to email us at hello@audiokitpro.com, and we can give everyone a heads up that your app is okay (if it follows the rules). We don't want anyone to lose their developer account over this code. 🙏

IMPORTANT: You must fill in your own private API keys for AudioBus and others in the Private.swift file to match your own project. The default placeholder values are not suitable for distribution.


Thanks to the countless sound designers and other volunteers. Plus, the developers listed below:

<a href="https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/AudioKit/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false" /></a>

Legal Notices

This is an open-source project intended to bring joy and music to people, and enlighten people on how to build custom instruments and iOS apps. All product names and images, trademarks and artists names are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with the creators of this app, including AudioKit, AudioKit Pro, LLC, and the other contributors. Product names and images are used solely for the purpose of identifying the specific products related to synthesizers, iOS Music, sampling, sound design, and music making.