

The low-code Knowledge Graph application platform

LinkedDataHub (LDH) is open source software you can use to manage data, create visualizations and build apps on RDF Knowledge Graphs.

LinkedDataHub screenshots

What's new in LinkedDataHub v3? Watch this video for a feature overview: What's new in LinkedDataHub v3? Feature overview

We started the project with the intention to use it for Linked Data publishing, but gradually realized that we've built a multi-purpose data-driven platform.

We are building LinkedDataHub primarily for:

What makes LinkedDataHub unique is its completely data-driven architecture: applications and documents are defined as data, managed using a single generic HTTP API and presented using declarative technologies. The default application structure and user interface are provided, but they can be completely overridden and customized. Unless a custom server-side processing is required, no imperative code such as Java or JavaScript needs to be involved at all.

Follow the Get started guide to LinkedDataHub. The setup and basic configuration sections are provided below and should get you running.

LinkedDataHub is also available as a free AWS Marketplace product! <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-vqbeztc3f2nni" target="_blank"><img src="https://github.com/AtomGraph/LinkedDataHub/raw/master/AWS%20Marketplace.svg" width="160" alt="AWS Marketplace"/></a>
It takes a few clicks and filling out a form to install the product into your own AWS account. No manual setup or configuration necessary!


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  1. Fork this repository and clone the fork into a folder
  2. In the folder, create an .env file and fill out the missing values (you can use .env_sample as a template). For example:
    OWNER_ORG_UNIT=My unit
  3. Setup SSL certificates/keys by running this from command line (replace $owner_cert_pwd and $secretary_cert_pwd with your own passwords):
    ./scripts/setup.sh .env ssl $owner_cert_pwd $secretary_cert_pwd 3650
    The script will create an ssl sub-folder where the SSL certificates and/or public keys will be placed.
  4. Launch the application services by running this from command line:
    docker-compose up --build
    It will build LinkedDataHub's Docker image, start its container and mount the following sub-folders:
    • data where the triplestore(s) will persist RDF data
    • uploads where LDH stores content-hashed file uploads The first should take around half a minute as datasets are being loaded into triplestores. After a successful startup, the last line of the Docker log should read something like:
    linkeddatahub_1     | 09-Feb-2021 14:18:10.536 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [32609] milliseconds
  5. Install ssl/owner/keystore.p12 into a web browser of your choice (password is the $owner_cert_pwd value supplied to setup.sh)
    • Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced > Manage Certificates > Import...
    • Mozilla Firefox: Options > Privacy > Security > View Certificates... > Import...
    • Apple Safari: The file is installed directly into the operating system. Open the file and import it using the Keychain Access tool (drag it to the local section).
    • Microsoft Edge: Does not support certificate management, you need to install the file into Windows. Read more here.
  6. Open https://localhost:4443/ in that web browser


sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

and re-login with your user. An alternative, but not recommended, is to run

sudo docker-compose up


<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

Base URI

A common case is changing the base URI from the default https://localhost:4443/ to your own.

Lets use https://ec2-54-235-229-141.compute-1.amazonaws.com/linkeddatahub/ as an example. We need to split the URI into components and set them in the .env file using the following parameters:


ABS_PATH is required, even if it's just /.


Dataspaces are configured in config/system-varnish.trig. Relative URIs will be resolved against the base URI configured in the .env file.

:warning: Do not use blank nodes to identify applications or services. We recommend using the urn: URI scheme, since LinkedDataHub application resources are not accessible under their own dataspace.


LinkedDataHub supports a range of configuration options that can be passed as environment parameters in docker-compose.yml. The most common ones are:

<dl> <dt><code>CATALINA_OPTS</code></dt> <dd>Tomcat's <a href="https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/RUNNING.txt">command line options</a></dd> <dt><code>SELF_SIGNED_CERT</code></dt> <dd><code>true</code> if the server certificate is self-signed</dd> <dt><code>SIGN_UP_CERT_VALIDITY</code></dt> <dd>Validity of the WebID certificates of signed up users (<em>not the owner's</em>)</dd> <dt><code>IMPORT_KEEPALIVE</code></dt> <dd>The period for which the data import can keep an open HTTP connection before it times out, in ms. The larger files are being imported, the longer it has to be in order for the import to complete.</dd> <dt><code>MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH</code></dt> <dd>Maximum allowed size of the request body, in bytes</dd> <dt><code>MAIL_SMTP_HOST</code></dt> <dd>Hostname of the mail server</dd> <dt><code>MAIL_SMTP_PORT</code></dt> <dd>Port number of the mail server</dd> <dt><code>GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID</code></dt> <dd>OAuth 2.0 Client ID from Google. When provided, enables the <samp>Login with Google</samp> authentication method.</dd> <dt><code>GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET</code></dt> <dd>Client secret from Google</dd> </dl>

The options are described in more detail in the configuration documentation.


If you need to start fresh and wipe the existing setup (e.g. after configuring a new base URI), you can do that using

sudo rm -rf data uploads && docker-compose down -v

:warning: This will remove the persisted data and files as well as Docker volumes.



Command line interface

LinkedDataHub CLI wraps the HTTP API into a set of shell scripts with convenient parameters. The scripts can be used for testing, automation, scheduled execution and such. It is usually much quicker to perform actions using CLI rather than the user interface, as well as easier to reproduce.

The scripts can be found in the scripts subfolder.

:warning: The CLI scripts internally use Jena's CLI commands. Set up the Jena environment before running the scripts.

An environment variable JENA_HOME is used by all the command line tools to configure the class path automatically for you. You can set this up as follows:

On Linux / Mac

export JENA_HOME=the directory you downloaded Jena to
export PATH="$PATH:$JENA_HOME/bin"

Sample applications

Third party

Demo apps

These demo applications can be installed into a LinkedDataHub instance using the provided CLI scripts.

:warning: Before running app installation scripts that use LinkedDataHub's CLI scripts, set the SCRIPT_ROOT environmental variable to the scripts subfolder of your LinkedDataHub fork or clone. For example:

export SCRIPT_ROOT="/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/AtomGraph/LinkedDataHub/scripts"

How to get involved

Test suite

LinkedDataHub includes an HTTP test suite. The server implementation is also covered by the Processor test suite.

HTTP-tests HTTP-tests






Please report issues if you've encountered a bug or have a feature request.

Commercial consulting, development, and support are available from AtomGraph.
