


my xmonad configuration

Table of Contents


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About Setup


git clone https://github.com/AtifChy/xmonad.git ~/.config/xmonad
stack install

Note: This command creates a xmonad executable file and moves it to ~/.local/bin. Make sure ~/.local/bin is added to your $PATH.

xmonad --recompile
exec xmonad

in your xinitrc. By default xmonad recompiles on every login. If you don't want xmonad to recompile every time you start it then put

exec ~/.local/share/xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux

in your xinitrc. It will use previously compiled binary to start xmonad.

Note: My xmonad config reads color & font from Xresources. Here you can find my Xresources. Merge it using xrdb -merge /path/to/Xresources.


Some basic keybinds

Super + Shift + EnterLaunch terminal (st)
Super + Shift + CClose window
Super + [1..9]Switch workspaces
Super + Shift + [1..9]Move focused window to certain workspace
Super + POpen XMonad Prompt
Super + BToggle borders
Super + GToggle gaps (toggle to get screen space)
Super + IIncrease gaps
Super + DDecrease gaps
Super + JNavigate through windows
Super + KNavigate through windows
Super + Shift + BIgnore the bar
Super + SpaceSwitch through layouts
Super + Shift + SpaceReset to default layout
Super + TMake a floating window tiled
Super + Shift + TTile all floating window
Super + Shift + \Show all keybinds (Requires. gxmessage)
Super + QReload xmonad
Super + Shift + QExit xmonad

All Keybinds
