


Notice: Do not report mapping errors in the issue. Please use this form instead.

Hato (鳩 lit. Pigeon) is a REST API built on ASP.NET Core and written in C#. It allows developers to easily look up title identifiers for a certain title and media type (Anime or Manga) on different listing services to increase interoperability for things like exporting lists, list syncing and updating entries on different services of the same title. The mappings are stored in a database so that title id mappings can be retrieved quickly without performing another lookup.

Why Hato over ARM (Anime Relations Mapper)?

  1. It doesn't depend on one service - Besides using Notify to generate a title id mapping for anime, it uses Kitsu and AniList APIs to look up title ids as a fallback, just in case if the title is not on Notify.
  2. Hato supports Manga mappings.
  3. With a database backend, Hato can easily retrieve existing mappings relatively quickly. Title ID mappings are very unlikely to change over time, except for media discovery services adding titles that didn't exist previously.
  4. C# is better than Javascript and with .NET 8, it's faster than nodeJS with crossplatform compatability.
  5. Hato can fetch multiple title ids from one service and media type.

Why Hato over anime offline database?

  1. You are not restricted to the AGPL License and the data is not licensed in any way.
  2. Hato automatically feteches and updates the latest data as users look up title ids.
  3. No need to fetch the whole database, retrieve mappings you only need using the REST JSON API.
  4. Hato can fetch mappings for Manga, which the anime offline database does not do.
  5. Hato can fetch multiple title ids from one service and media type.

Supported Services

Currently, Hato supports conversion of title ids of the following:


How to Use

Note: The production endpoint (https://hato.malupdaterosx.moe) as shown below is restricted to only testing use (through the testing page) and approved applications. In order to have your application (user agent) approved, you must be an active patron. You can become a patreon here


GET http://hato.malupdaterosx.moe/api/mappings/(service)/(media type)/(id)


servicemal or kitsu or anilist (Anime only: anidb or notify)true
media typeMediaType (anime or manga)true


[GET] http://hato.malupdaterosx.moe/api/mappings/kitsu/anime/11134
        "type" : 0,
        "type_str" : "anime"
POST https://hato.malupdaterosx.moe/api/mappings/mappings



Content Type: application/json

"media_type" : "anime",
"service" : "mal",
"title_ids" : [1, 31080, 37786, 25835, 21681, 24705, 22147, 20509, 10928, 19815]


[GET] http://hato.malupdaterosx.moe/api/mappings/kitsu/anime/11134
Request Body

Content Type: application/json

"media_type" : "anime",
"service" : "mal",
"title_ids" : [1, 31080, 37786, 25835, 21681, 24705, 22147, 20509, 10928, 19815]
"data": [
"anidb_id": 23,
"anilist_id": 1,
"kitsu_id": 1,
"mal_id": 1,
"notify_id": "Tk3ccKimg",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 11321,
"anilist_id": 21238,
"kitsu_id": 11134,
"mal_id": 31080,
"notify_id": "090XtKimg",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": null,
"anilist_id": 101573,
"kitsu_id": 41240,
"mal_id": 37786,
"notify_id": "ytl6tj7mg",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 10779,
"anilist_id": 20812,
"kitsu_id": 8698,
"mal_id": 25835,
"notify_id": "jlx1pFmiR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 10351,
"anilist_id": 20575,
"kitsu_id": 8138,
"mal_id": 21681,
"notify_id": "ylgTtFmmg",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 10323,
"anilist_id": 20565,
"kitsu_id": 8710,
"mal_id": 24705,
"notify_id": "2SLJtFiiR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 10399,
"anilist_id": 20602,
"kitsu_id": 8259,
"mal_id": 22147,
"notify_id": "ua1opKmmR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 10091,
"anilist_id": 20467,
"kitsu_id": 8003,
"mal_id": 20509,
"notify_id": "sThhpFiiR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 9155,
"anilist_id": 10928,
"kitsu_id": 6410,
"mal_id": 10928,
"notify_id": "qqgStKmiR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"anidb_id": 9998,
"anilist_id": 19815,
"kitsu_id": 7880,
"mal_id": 19815,
"notify_id": "cErppFmiR",
"type": 0,
"type_str": "anime"
"failed_list": []

How to install

The instructions are in beta, to be changed in the future.

Note: Database configuration is moved to the appsettings.json. For those who are updating, make sure you respecify the database settings in the appsettings.json. See the sample config file for details.

  1. Clone repo
  2. Execute setupschema-mysql.sql to setup the schema on your MySQL or MariaDB server. For Postgres, run setupschema-postgres.sql.
  3. Navigate to the Hato folder and copy and rename appsettings-sample.json or appsettings.Development-sample.json to appsettings.json or appsettings.Development.json respectively.
  4. Open appsettings.json/appsettings.Development.json and specify the database engine, database server, database name, database user and password in the dbsettings section. For supported database engines, Hato supports MySQL and Postgresql.
  5. To deploy on your enviroment of choice, refer to these guides:


Hato is licensed under Apache License 2.0.