

This code is for the work of AutoTCL and Parametric Augmentation for Time Series Contrastive Learning(ICLR2024)

<p align="center"> <img src="./figures/AutoTCL_framework.PNG" width = "700" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 1.</b> Overall framework of our work. </p>

In this paper, we propose a contrastive learning framework with parametric augmentation, AutoTCL, which can be adaptively employed to support time series representation learning. The proposed approach is encoder-agnostic, allowing it to be seamlessly integrated with different backbone encoders.


We use python 3.9, the packages main contain numpy, scikit-learn, torch, tqdm, matplotlib, pandas. We also provide a requirements.txt(contains some other irrelevant packages).


  1. ETT dataset (link)
  2. Electricity dataset (link), preprocessing by this file (link)
  3. Weather Dataset (link), from Informer (link)
  4. For public datasets, you can also find sources in TS2Vec, CoST.
  5. For lora datasets, you can contact with Professor Mo Sha.


python train_forecasting_autotcl_cost.py 
--dataset <dataset> 
--gpu <num> 
--seed <random_seed> 
--archive <forecast_csv_univar/forecast_csv>
--load_default <True/False> 

--batch-size <N> 
--lr <encoder_learning_rate> 
--meta_lr <augument_learning_rate>
--mask_mode <noise_style_encoder> 
--augmask_mode <noise_style_augument> 

--repr_dims <embedding_dim>
--hidden_dims <hid_dim> 
--aug_dim <aug_hid_dim> 
--aug_depth <augument_layers> 

--max_train_length <input_time_length> 
--epochs <training_epoch> 
--gumbel_bias <gum_bias>
--gamma_zeta <zeta_in_gumbel>
--ratio_step <ratio_update_between_encoder_augument> 
--hard_mask <hard_gumbel>

--local_weight <local_infonce_encoder>
--reg_weight <reg_weight_hx>
--regular_weight <time_constraint_weight_hx>
datasetdataset namestringETTh1/ETTh2/ETTm1/electricity/WTH
gputhe number of GPUint-
seedrandom seedint-
archiveunivar forecasting or multivarstringforecast_csv_univar/forecast_csv
load_defaultload pre-defined hyperparemetersboolTrue/False
batch-sizethe batch size of inputint-
lrlearning rate for optimize the encoder networkfloat-
meta_lrlearning rate for optimize the augumentation networkfloat-
mask_modehow to add noise for optimize the encoder networkstringcontinuous/mask_last/all_true/all_false/binomial
augmask_modehow to add noise for optimize the augumentation networkstringcontinuous/mask_last/all_true/all_false/binomial
repr_dimsembedding dimension of the encoder networkint-
hidden_dimshidden dimension of the encoder networkint-
aug_dimhidden dimension of the augument networkint-
aug_depthNN layers of the augment networkint-
max_train_lengthinput time lengthint-
epochstraining epochsint-
gumbel_biasbias for gumble softmaxfloat-
gumbel_zetazeta for gumble softmaxfloat-
ratio_stepthe ratio of encoder optimize : augument network optimizeint-
hard_maskh(x) is hard(binary) or softboolTrue/False
local_weightweight of local infoNCE loss introduced by InfoTSfloat-
reg_weightweight of the regularization of h(x)float-
regular_weightweight of the time constraint of h(x)float-

Main Results

Our experiments conducted on five public datasets and one private dataset. Experiments on univariate forecasting tasks demonstrate the highly competitive results of our method, with an average 6.5% reduction in MSE and 4.7% in MAE over the leading baselines. In classification tasks, AutoTCL achieves a 1.2% increase in average accuracy.

In this repo we provide code and default parameters to reproduce our experiments(based on tabl 1 and 2).

<p align="center"> <img src="./figures/AutoTCL_Results.PNG" width = "700" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 2.</b> Overall experiments average results. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/AutoTCL_Results1.PNG" width = "700" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 3.</b> Detail experiments results in univariate forecasting setting. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./figures/AutoTCL_Results2.PNG" width = "700" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 4.</b> Detail experiments results in multivariate forecasting setting. </p>


Our code are based on the following repositories. We thank the original authors for open-sourcing their work.

  1. TS2Vec(https://github.com/zhihanyue/ts2vec)
  2. CoST(https://github.com/salesforce/CoST)
  3. infoTS(https://github.com/chengw07/InfoTS)


If this repo is useful for you, please consider citing our paper as follows:

  title={Parametric Augmentation for Time Series Contrastive Learning},
  author={Zheng, Xu and Wang, Tianchun and Cheng, Wei and Ma, Aitian and Chen, Haifeng and Sha, Mo and Luo, Dongsheng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.10434},