


License: Hippocratic 3.0 code style: prettier npm version codecov Main WorkFlow CodeQL WorkFlow Library code size

This is a Prisma middleware used for caching and storing of Prisma queries in Redis (uses an in-memory LRU cache as fallback storage).

Uses async-cache-dedupe.


Supported Node.js versions

The latest versions of the following Node.js versions are tested and supported.

Default Cached Methods

Here is a list of all the Prisma methods that are currently cached by default in prisma-redis-middleware.

queryRaw is not cached as it's executed against the Prisma db itself and not a model. This Prisma middleware is used for caching queries based on the models that they are executed against.

Quick Start

Install the package using npm:

npm i --save-exact prisma-redis-middleware

You will also need to install and configure an external dependency for Redis (for example: ioredis or one that uses a similar API) if you don't already have a Redis Client in your project.

npm i --save-exact ioredis @types/ioredis

Code Example (ESM / Import)

import Prisma from "prisma";
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { createPrismaRedisCache } from "prisma-redis-middleware";
import Redis from "ioredis";

const redis = new Redis(); // Uses default options for Redis connection

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

const cacheMiddleware: Prisma.Middleware = createPrismaRedisCache({
  models: [
    { model: "User", excludeMethods: ["findMany"] },
    { model: "Post", cacheTime: 180, cacheKey: "article" },
  storage: { type: "redis", options: { client: redis, invalidation: { referencesTTL: 300 }, log: console } },
  cacheTime: 300,
  excludeModels: ["Product", "Cart"],
  excludeMethods: ["count", "groupBy"],
  onHit: (key) => {
    console.log("hit", key);
  onMiss: (key) => {
    console.log("miss", key);
  onError: (key) => {
    console.log("error", key);


Code Example (Common JS / Require)

const Prisma = require("prisma");
const { PrismaClient } = require("@prisma/client");
const { createPrismaRedisCache } = require("prisma-redis-middleware");

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

const cacheMiddleware: Prisma.Middleware = createPrismaRedisCache({
  models: [
    { model: "User", cacheTime: 60 },
    { model: "Post", cacheTime: 180 },
  storage: { type: "memory", options: { invalidation: true, log: console } },
  cacheTime: 300,
  onHit: (key) => {
    console.log("hit", key);
  onMiss: (key) => {
    console.log("miss", key);
  onError: (key) => {
    console.log("error", key);






You can pass functions for onMiss, onHit, onError and onDedupe to createPrismaRedisCache which can then be used to debug whether a Prisma query is being cached or not.

You can also pass a custom log (pino or console) to the storage option and async-cache-dedupe will print debug info as it queries, sets, expires and invalidates the cache. Note that the log option can print out very verbose output.