

Generic scoop bucket

❗❗🎉 Repository was converted into Template. See blog for more information. 🎉❗❗

In this repository you will find everything you need to know about creating custom bucket with appveyor support.

Files and helpers

bucket Folder

bin Folder

Scripts which will save you time while debuging and writing manifests. If you need help how to use them just run Get-Help .\bin\<BINARY>.ps1.

Bucket.Tests.ps1 File

.vscode Folder

Contains all syntax highlighting, code formating, manifest creating tools you could use.

.github Folder

GitHub repository configuration.

config files

How to use and adopt this bucket

  1. Click on Use this template to create new repository in your account with same files
  2. Open project settings and give your bucket in new name
  3. Add proper description of repository
    • Information about what type of manifests could be found here
  4. Add scoop-bucket tag for repository
  5. Enable appveyor CI/CD
    1. Register / Login to Appveyor
    2. Click New Project
    3. From Left Panel, choose your source control variant (Github)
    4. From Right Panel, choose repository with bucket and click + Add
    5. 🎉 Project created and ready to build 🎉
    6. Get Badge URL
      1. Open Appveyor Project settings
      2. Navigate to Badges
      3. Copy Branch Sample markdown code snippet for further usage
  6. Clone project into some folder
    • git clone git@github.com:USER/REPO.git MyAwesomeBucket
    • or
    • git clone https://github.com/USER/REPO.git MyAwesomeBucket
  7. Open vscode with this clone
    • code MyAwesomeBucket
  8. [optional] Configure remote repository
    1. git remote add 'upstream' 'https://github.com/Ash258/GenericBucket.git'
    • This step will allow you to synchronize changes with this template repository
    • If some changes are pushed into this repository and you want to reflect them into your bucket, you can simply do something like:
      • git fetch --all
      • git checkout -B upstream-master -t upstream/master
      • Do changes
      • git merge master or create PR in github
  9. Create proper README.md
    1. Open this README in the browser for reference
    2. Open README.template.md
    3. Replace all %%templatestring%% with real and according values
      1. Replace appveyor status badge with yours
    4. Override this README with completed README.template.md
    5. Remove template README.template.md
  10. Repository tweaks
    1. Open .github\CODEOWNERS and change @Ash258 to desired github username
    2. Actions
      1. Open each file in .github\workflows and change youremail@email.com with your email
      2. Visit https://github.com/Ash258/Scoop-GithubActions for more information
  11. 🎉🎉 Everything set. High quality and automated bucket is ready for new users 🎉🎉