


A tiny javascript module that enforces a time to live (TTL) on a node-levelup database.

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Why use this instead of node-level-ttl? Because level-sublevel and node-level-ttl conflict.

Bug reproduction test code here.
The bug was found using level-sublevel@6 with level-ttl@2, and level-sublevel@5 with level-ttl 0.6.


var ttl = require('tiny-level-ttl')

ttl(db[, opts])

Adds a refreshTtl method to the db. When db.refreshTtl(key) is called, it will refresh the ttl on the key. This adds the ability to make the ttl act like a session manager by calling refreshTtl() every time you do db.get().

Also, this respects the locks that level-lock creates. If tiny-level-ttl attempts to delete a key, and the key's write access is locked, it will restart the key's life. (In most cases, this is the desired outcome. If the key is being written to, you would've restarted the key's life anyway. If the key is being deleted, restarting its life will not mess anything up.)


Basic usage:

var level = require('level-mem')
var ttl = require('tiny-level-ttl')

var db = level('/levelmem/does/not/care')
ttl(db, {
	ttl: 1000,
	checkInterval: 50

db.put('hi', 'wuzzup') //this sets the ttl

setTimeout(function () { //before key expires
	db.get('hi', function (err, value) {
		console.log(err && err.notFound) // -> null
		console.log(value) // -> 'wazzup'
}, 900)

setTimeout(function () { //after key expires
	db.get('hi', function (err, value) {
		console.log(err && err.notFound) // -> true
		console.log(value) // -> undefined
}, 1100)


With npm do:

npm install tiny-level-ttl
