Automatic Circuit DisCovery
This is the accompanying code to the paper "Towards Automated Circuit Discovery for Mechanistic Interpretability" (NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight).
⚠️ You may wish to use the repo <a href="">Auto Circuit</a> by @UFO-101 as this codebase has many sharp edges. Nevertheless:
- :zap: To run ACDC, see
, or <a href="">this Colab notebook</a> - :wrench: To see how edit edges in computational graphs in models, see
or <a href="">this Colab notebook</a> - :sparkle: To understand the low-level implementation of completely editable computational graphs, see <a href="">this Colab notebook</a> or
This library builds upon the abstractions (HookPoint
s and standardised HookedTransformer
s) from TransformerLens :mag_right:
First, install the system dependencies for either Mac or Linux.
Then, you need Python 3.8+ and Poetry to install ACDC, like so
git clone git+
cd Automatic-Circuit-Discovery
poetry env use 3.10 # Or be inside a conda or venv environment
# Python 3.10 is recommended but use any Python version >= 3.8
poetry install
System Dependencies
:penguin: Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx graphviz build-essential graphviz-dev
You may also need apt-get install python3.x-dev
where x
is your Python version (also see the issue and pygraphviz installation troubleshooting)
:apple: Mac OS X
On Mac, you need to let pip (inside poetry) know about the path to the Graphviz libraries.
brew install graphviz
export CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix graphviz)/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix graphviz)/lib"
Reproducing results
To reproduce the Pareto Frontier of KL divergences against number of edges for ACDC runs, run python experiments/
. Similarly, python experiments/
and python subnetwork_probing/
were used to generate individual data points for the other methods, using the CLI help. All these three commands can produce wandb runs. We use notebooks/
to process data from wandb runs into JSON files (see experiments/results/plots_data/Makefile
for the commands) and notebooks/
to produce plots from these JSON files.
From the root directory, run
pytest -vvv -m "not slow"
This will only select tests not marked as slow
. These tests take a long time, and are good to run occasionally, but
not every time.
You can run the slow tests with
pytest -s -m slow
We welcome issues where the code is unclear!
If your PR affects the main demo, rerun
chmod +x experiments/
to automatically turn the
into a working demo and check that no errors arise. It is essential that the notebooks converted here consist only of #%% [markdown]
markdown-only cells, and #%%
cells with code.
Citing ACDC
If you use ACDC, please reach out! You can reference the work as follows:
title={Towards Automated Circuit Discovery for Mechanistic Interpretability},
author={Arthur Conmy and Augustine N. Mavor-Parker and Aengus Lynch and Stefan Heimersheim and Adri{\`a} Garriga-Alonso},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
<details> <summary>Mostly finished TODO list</summary>[ x ] Make TransformerLens
install be Neel's code not my PR
[ x ] Add hook_mlp_in
to TransformerLens
and delete hook_resid_mid
(and test to ensure no bad things?)
[ x ] Delete arthur-try-merge-tl
references from the repo
[ x ] Make notebook on abstractions
[ ? ] Fix huge edge sizes in Induction Main example and change that occurred
[ x ] Find a better way to deal with the versioning on the Colabs installs...
[ ] Neuron-level experiments
[ ] Position-level experiments
[ ] Edge gradient descent experiments
[ ] Implement the circuit breaking paper
[ x ] tracr
and other dependencies better managed
[ ? ] Make SP tests work (lots outdated so skipped) - and check SubnetworkProbing installs properly (no init.pys !!!)
[ ? ] Make the 9 tests also failing on TransformerLens-main pass
[ x ] Remove Codebase under construction