

<img alt="Icon" src="./front/public/banner.png" width="150px">

Welcome! Meelo is a self-hosted music server and web app. It works similarly to Plex, Jellyfin, Koel and Black Candy, but focuses on flexibility, browsing and listening experiences. Actually, Meelo is designed for music collectors. What does it mean? Scroll down to see our killer features :arrow_heading_down:

While the software wants to be a flexible as possible, it requires a little bit of setup. However, once everything is ready, you will just have to sit back, relax, and enjoy your music. :sunglasses:

Album Page (Top)

:star: Features

Meelo has all the basic features you might expect from a music player/server (playback, browsing, search, playlists, libraries ...). But it comes with a handful of features that make it unique :star_struck:

Keep track of the upcoming features here

:book: How to get started

To use Meelo, you'll need a 'clean' collection: either with embedded metadata or standard file/folder architecture. Using iTunes or Beets is a great way to start.

Meelo is shipped though Docker images. You might need to know a bit about Regexes. Look over here for setup instructions.

:desktop_computer: Live Demo

We are actively working on a public demo, so that you can try out Meelo. Stay tuned...

:camera: Screenshots

<details> <summary>Unfold to see what the web application looks like!</summary>

Album View Artist Page Player Page Release Page

More screenshots here


:handshake: Contributing and Bugs reporting

:hammer: Would you like to contribute to Meelo? Feel free to open a pull request.

:thinking: Is there a feature you would like to have? Open an issue, and we will be happy to discuss it!

:bug: Have you encountered a bug? Ugh we don't like 'em here! Report it by opening an issue.

Get ready to make the most out of you music collection!

Coverage (Back-end) Maintainability Rating