

Zephyr 🌬️

Effortlessly sync UserDefaults over iCloud

Swift Support Platform CocoaPods SwiftPM Compatible


Zephyr synchronizes specific keys and/or all of your UserDefaults over iCloud using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.

Zephyr has built in monitoring, allowing it to sync specific keys in the background as they change.

For the latest updates, refer to the Releases tab.


Installation Instructions

Swift VersionBranch NameWill Continue to Receive Updates?


pod 'Zephyr' # Swift 5.1+
pod 'Zephyr', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git', :branch => 'swift5.0' # Swift 5.0
pod 'Zephyr', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git', :branch => 'swift4.2' # Swift 4.2
pod 'Zephyr', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git', :branch => 'swift4.1' # Swift 4.1
pod 'Zephyr', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git', :branch => 'swift3.2' # Swift 3.2
pod 'Zephyr', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git', :branch => 'swift3.1' # Swift 3.1

Swift Package Manager

.Package(url: "https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Zephyr.git", majorVersion: 3)


  1. Download Zephyr
  2. Copy Zephyr.swift into your project.


Turn on iCloud Sync in Xcode

In Xcode, open your app's project/workspace file:

How to turn on iCloud Key Value Store Syncing

Integrate Zephyr into your App

Before performing each sync, Zephyr automatically checks to see if the data in UserDefaults or NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is newer. To make sure there's no overwriting going on in a fresh installation of your app on a new device that's connected to the same iCloud account, make sure that your UserDefaults are registered BEFORE calling any of the Zephyr methods. One way to easily achieve this is by using the UserDefaults Register API.

Sync all UserDefaults


Sync a specific key or keys (Variadic Option)

Zephyr.sync(keys: "MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey", ...)

Sync a specific key or keys (Array Option)

Zephyr.sync(keys: ["MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey"])

Add/Remove Keys for Background Monitoring (Variadic Option)

Zephyr.addKeysToBeMonitored(keys: "MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey", ...)
Zephyr.removeKeysFromBeingMonitored(keys: "MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey", ...)

Add/Remove Keys for Background Monitoring (Array Option)

Zephyr.addKeysToBeMonitored(keys: ["MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey"])
Zephyr.removeKeysFromBeingMonitored(keys: ["MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey"])

Toggle Automatic Calling of NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore's Synchronization method

Zephyr.syncUbiquitousKeyValueStoreOnChange = true // Default
Zephyr.syncUbiquitousKeyValueStoreOnChange = false // Turns off instantaneous synchronization

Debug Logging

Zephyr.debugEnabled = true // Must be called before sync(_:)

Use a specific UserDefaults suite

if let suite = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.com.example.app-name") {
  Zephyr.setUserDefaultsSuite(to: suite)

Sample App

Please ignore the Sample App as I did not add any demo code in the Sample App. It's only in this repo to add support for Carthage.

Created and maintained by

Arthur Ariel Sabintsev