

Guitar 🎸

A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.

Build Status Platform

Swift Support CocoaPods SwiftPM Compatible


This library seeks to add common string manipulation functions, including common regular expression capabilities, that are needed in both mobile and server-side development, but are missing in Swift's Standard Library.

The full documentation can be found at http://www.sabintsev.com/Guitar/.

Guitar is also part of Swift's Source Compatibility Suite.



A small set of functions offered by Guitar were removed in v0.3.0 of the library as Apple added many of these features to the Swift 4 language (aka, Sherlocking). The functions that were removed were: first, last, length, prefixed, suffixed, trimLeft, trimRight, truncated. The reversed function was renamed to reversedString as it acts slightly differently than Swift's built-in reversed function.

Installation Instructions

Swift VersionBranch NameWill Continue to Receive Updates?


pod 'Guitar' # Swift 5.1+
pod 'Guitar', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git', :branch => 'swift5.0' # Swift 5.0
pod 'Guitar', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git', :branch => 'swift4.2' # Swift 4.2
pod 'Guitar', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git', :branch => 'swift4.1' # Swift 4.1
pod 'Guitar', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git', :branch => 'swift3.2' # Swift 3.2
pod 'Guitar', :git => 'https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git', :branch => 'swift3.1' # Swift 3.1

Swift Package Manager

.Package(url: "https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Guitar.git", majorVersion: 1)

Usage Examples

Regular Expression


Guitar(pattern: String) // A custom regular expression with which to initialize Guitar.

Guitar(chord: Guitar.Chord) // A common regular expression with which to initialize Guitar.


evaluateForRanges(::) returns an array of ranges, [Range<String.Index>], that match a specific regular expression.

Guitar(chord: .firstCharacter).evaluateForRanges(from: "Hello world") // [Range(Swift.String.CharacterView.Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 0), _countUTF16: 1)..<Swift.String.CharacterView.Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 1), _countUTF16: 1)), Range(Swift.String.CharacterView.Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 6), _countUTF16: 1)..<Swift.String.CharacterView.Index(_base: Swift.String.UnicodeScalarView.Index(_position: 7), _countUTF16: 1))]

evaluateForStrings(::) returns an array of strings, [String], that match a specific regular expression.

Guitar(chord: .firstCharacter).evaluateForStrings(from: "Hello world") // ["H", "w"]

test(::) evaluates a string with a specific regular expression. true is returned if matches are found in the string. Otherwise, false is returned.

Guitar(chord: .email).test(string: "hello@world.com") // `true`

String Extension

This library also adds dozens of methods via String extensions that are missing in the Swift Standard Library or not easily accessible on the String class. Check GuitarBoolean.swift and GuitarPadding.swift to see these examples.

More specific examples can be found in the tests folder.


Created and maintained by

Arthur Ariel Sabintsev