


Author: Arno0x.

As opposed to my first version of this project, this second version:

This tool is used to inject a "TCP Relay" managed assembly (TcpRelay_x86.dll or TcpRelay_x64.dll) into an unmanaged process. The relay is basically listening on a TCP port and relaying (forwarding) the received connection to another destination port, either locally (localhost) or, optionnaly, to a remote IP.

Note: TCPRelayInjecter only relays TCP connections.

Background and context

I created this tool in order to bypass Windows local firewall rules preventing some inbound connections I needed (in order to perform some relay and/or get a MiTM position). As a non-privileged user, firewall rules could not be modified or added.

The idea is to find a process running as the same standard (non-privileged) user AND allowed to receive any network connection, or at least the one we need. You can find such a process by analyzing the local FW rules:

netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all

From there we just have to inject a TCP Relay assembly in the process fulfilling your needs, passing it some arguments like a local port to listen to, a destination port and an optionnal destination IP to forward the traffic to.


The injecter comes in two flavors achieving exactly the same goal: there's a C++ version (TcpRelayInjecter.cpp) and there's a C# version (TcpRelayInjecter.cs). You only need to compile one of these two files. It might be easier though to compile the C# injecter as it doesn't require VisualStudio or any other C++ compiler, it just needs the csc.exe compiler which comes with the .Net framework installed with any recent Windows OS.

Targetting 32 bits processes:

Targetting 64 bits processes:


Prior to running the tool, ensure the binary files are all in the same path:


Then use the following command line:

TcpRelayInjecter_x86|x64.exe <target_process_name> <listening_port> <destination_port> [destination_IP]