

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/coldark-banner.png" alt="Coldark Banner" width="400" /> </p>

Coldark - Bat

GitHub License GitHub package.json version

An optimized theme for web development that comes with two versions: light & dark.


Coldark is a gray-blue theme. The colors used respect the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in order to provide sufficient reading comfort. However, with opacity, it is possible that some contrasts are diminished and that they are above level AA.

This Coldark version is designed for bat command.

Color pallets

Coldark consists of three color pallets. The first is common to both versions. The other two each apply to a version.

The bat version uses almost the same colors as VS code version. The scopes seems a little different and a little less complete, hence the difference.

Colors in detail

Light Theme

Hex CodePreviewDescriptionDenomination
#e3eaf2#e3eaf2Default background – Also used as foreground for Button & Badges.coldark00
#d0dae7#d0dae7Selection background - Editor Gutter, Inputs, Line Highlight, Status bar (no folder). Also used as foreground for Activity bar.coldark01
#8da1b9#8da1b9Darker background - Code block, Secondary buttons, Some highlighting. Also used for Borders.coldark02
#3c526d#3c526dComments - Invisible, Ignored, Placeholder.coldark03
#213043#213043Lighter foreground – Inputs, Status bar (no folder), Embedded modals & Widgets.coldark04
#111b27#111b27Default foreground - Also used as Shadow and for most of Punctuation.coldark05
#0b121b#0b121bDarker foreground – Also used as background for Activity bar.coldark06
#f0f4f8#f0f4f8Lighter background – Tab active, Embedded modals, Widgets.coldark07
#006d6d#006d6dCyan - Merge incoming content, Parameters, Tags, Support constant, CSS Variables, Markup inline raw, Punctuation Section Embedded (e.g. <?php ?>)coldark08
#755f00#755f00Yellow - Modified, Hints, Integers, Boolean, Constants Language, Attribute Names, Shell Case Patterns, Markup Link URLcoldark09
#005a8e#005a8eBlue - Badges, Buttons, Find Match, Info, Merge current content, Selection (outside editor), Status bar (folder open), Namespaces, Classes, Variables, Constants Other, Markup Headings, Property namescoldark10
#116b00#116b00Green - Added elements, Strings, CSS Colors, CSS Font names, Markup Link Textcoldark11
#af00af#af00afMagenta - Untracked elements, Token Expression value Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Constant Characters, Storage Modifiers, Instances, Markup List Punctuation, CSS valuescoldark12
#7c00aa#7c00aaPurple - Unverified, Functions, CSS Classes & IDscoldark13
#a04900#a04900Orange - Warnings, Status bar (debugging), Keywords, Storage, CSS Pseudo elementscoldark14
#c22f2e#c22f2eRed - Errors, Deleted, Invalids, Deprecatedcoldark15

Dark Theme

Hex CodePreviewDescriptionDenomination
#111b27#111b27Default background – Also used as foreground for Button & Badges.coldark00
#213043#213043Selection background - Editor Gutter, Embedded modals, Widgets, Line Highlight, Tab active.coldark01
#3c526d#3c526dLight background - Code block, Secondary buttons, Some highlighting.coldark02
#8da1b9#8da1b9Comments - Invisible, Ignored, Placeholder.coldark03
#d0dae7#d0dae7Dark foreground – Activity bar, Inputs, Status bar (no folder), Embedded modals & Widgets.coldark04
#e3eaf2#e3eaf2Default foreground - Also used for most of Punctuation.coldark05
#f0f4f8#f0f4f8Lighter foreground – Menu, Tab hover.coldark06
#0b121b#0b121bDark background - Activity bar, Inputs, Status bar (no folder). Also used for Borders.coldark07
#66cccc#66ccccCyan - Merge incoming content, Parameters, Tags, Support constant, CSS Variables, Markup inline raw, Punctuation Section Embedded (e.g. <?php ?>)coldark08
#e6d37a#e6d37aYellow - Modified, Hints, Integers, Boolean, Constants Language, Attribute Names, Shell Case Patterns, Markup Link URLcoldark09
#6cb8e6#6cb8e6Blue - Badges, Buttons, Find Match, Info, Merge current content, Selection (outside editor), Status bar (folder open), Namespaces, Classes, Variables, Constants Other, Markup Headings, Property namescoldark10
#91d076#91d076Green - Added elements, Strings, CSS Colors, CSS Font names, Markup Link Textcoldark11
#f4adf4#f4adf4Magenta - Untracked elements, Token Expression value Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Constant Characters, Storage Modifiers, Instances, Markup List Punctuation, CSS valuescoldark12
#c699e3#c699e3Purple - Unverified, Functions, CSS Classes & IDscoldark13
#e9ae7e#e9ae7eOrange - Warnings, Status bar (debugging), Keywords, Storage, CSS Pseudo elementscoldark14
#cd6660#cd6660Red - Errors, Deleted, Invalids, Deprecatedcoldark15


  1. Install bat (on Manjaro: pacman -S bat)
  2. Create themes folder: mkdir -p "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
  3. Go inside this new folder: cd "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
  4. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/ArmandPhilippot/coldark-bat
  5. Update the binary cache: bat cache --build

Then, if you use bat --list-themes, you should see the themes.

Coldark Bat is now present in bat repo. It may be present in the list of themes in a future version without having to install it manually.


To select one of the Coldark themes, call bat with the --theme=Coldark-Cold (or --theme=Coldark-Dark) option or set the BAT_THEME environment variable to Coldark-Cold (or Coldark-Dark). Use export BAT_THEME="Coldark-Cold" (or export BAT_THEME="Coldark-Dark") in your shell's startup file to make the change permanent.


Here are 2 rendering examples for each version.


Coldark Cold PHPColdark Cold Markdown


Coldark Dark PHPColdark Dark Markdown


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

<!-- REFERENCES --> <!-- UI Colors --> <!-- Syntax - Light Theme Colors --> <!-- Syntax - Dark Theme Colors -->