


It's a tiny photoshop panel to make guides and grids. See the tutorial here.

Preview of Griddify

Manual Install

If you're having trouble installing Griddify on Photoshop CC, there is a manual installation guide here.


First, there is this thing in CC apps called the "debug mode" that you need to enable in order to develop extensions:

Now that you've enabled "debug mode," you can install Griddify by manually copying it to the place where Adobe extensions are stored:

  1. Find the extensions folder:

    • In Windows:
      • In Windows 64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
      • In Windows 32: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
      • In older versions of CC, this folder will be in C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
    • In OSX: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
    • Note: The CEP folder might be called CEPServiceManager4 or something similar in older CC versions.
    • Noted 2: If you can find the CEP folder, but there is no extensions folder inside it, just create it yourself.
  2. Clone the repo and install its dependencies with npm:

    $ git clone git@github.com:AriaMinaei/Griddify.git
    $ cd griddify
    $ npm install
  3. Create a symlink from where you cloned the repo to the extensions folder you located above. In the end, you should be able to see a file named panel.html when you navigate to ... CEP/extensions/Griddify.

  4. Restart Photoshop CC. If all has gone well, you will be able to find the panel in "Window -> Extensions -> Griddify".

Watching for cahanges

To watch the files for changes, run:

$ npm run dev

The entry file for ExtendScript commands is src/commands.coffee, and the entry file for the interface is src/panel/panel.coffee.


It's under GPL Version 3.