


We are open-sourcing our active codebases and consolidating into one monorepo.


Now: Arcade City, a peer-to-peer services app for Android and iOS. (Removed from app stores 2021-09-04 while we refactor for v5.1)

Soon: The Arcade, an open peer-to-peer services ecosystem on Bitcoin.

See Bitcoinizing Arcade City for current thoughts on Bitcoin/Lightning architecture.

See the Lightning MVP spec for what we're working on now.

See also Arcade City as Metaverse.


Transportation, deliveries, housing, food, finance, energy, infrastructure, governance: all can and should be provided peer-to-peer with no government involvement.

Governments are broken. All people deserve to exit broken systems. We are building a destination they can exit to. [Blog post]


We bootstrap the peer-to-peer services economy by first delivering decentralized Uber.

Our flagship Austin network has proven that rideshare cooperatives can replace corporations. The task now is to scale this model globally by empowering and connecting platform cooperatives all over the world.

We believe networks of cooperatives with the right tools and incentives can replace corporations and even governments.


Tech stack


We welcome contributions. Please email cityhall@arcade.city with how you'd like to help.


See wiki page.