



Latest release Linux macOS Windows GPLv3 license Binder


<a href="url"><img src="glm-source/admin/glm-icon2.png" align="right" width="50" ></a> The General Lake Model (GLM) is a water balance and one-dimensional vertical stratification hydrodynamic model, which is dynamically coupled with the AED water quality modelling library. This repository houses the coupled model code libraries, example applications, and binaries (ready-to-run executable files).

<a href="url"><img src="glm-source/admin/aed-icon2.png" align="right" width="50" ></a> GLM-AED is suitable for simulating conditions in a wide range of natural and engineered lakes, including shallow (well-mixed) and deep (stratified) systems. The model has been successfully applied to systems from the scale of individual ponds and wetlands, to actively operated reservoirs, upto the scale of the Great Lakes.


Repository organisation

The repository includes:


Citing this code


Users may need to cite the model in general, or a specific model code package/bundle/version.

Citing a specific code bundle, please use the appropriate DOI, eg.:

Hipsey, M.R., Boon, C., Bruce, L.C., Thomas, Q., Weber, M., Winslow, L., Read, J.S., & Hamilton, D.P. (2022). AquaticEcoDynamics/glm-aed: v3.3.0 (v3.3.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7047527.

Citing the GLM or AED models:

Hipsey, M.R., Bruce, L.C., Boon, C., Busch, B., Carey, C.C., Hamilton, D.P., Hanson, P.C., Read, J.S., de Sousa, E., Weber, M. and Winslow, L.A., 2019. A General Lake Model (GLM 3.0) for linking with high-frequency sensor data from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON). Geoscientific Model Development, 12(1), pp.473-523.

Hipsey, M.R., ed. (2022) Modelling Aquatic Eco-Dynamics: Overview of the AED modular simulation platform. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6516222.


Getting the latest executables

For users who only need access to a model executable, the executable for your chosen platform can be downloaded without getting the full repository. Simply navigate to the binaries/os folder, click on the relevant file (e.g., glm_3.3.0.zip) and click the "download" button on the right.


Cloning the repo with all sub-module code

To access the full repository, including the model examples, the repository must be cloned or downloaded in full. Note that a basic clone will not include the code/files in the linked sub-modules, so an extra argument is needed --recurse-submodules

Cloning the latest code

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/AquaticEcoDynamics/glm-aed.git

Cloning a particular tag

git clone --recurse-submodules -b v3.3.0 https://github.com/AquaticEcoDynamics/glm-aed.git

Getting hold of older versions

Releases from 2022 are available by sorting through the releases section. For users seeking older bundles of the code, please visit the AED [releases]https://github.com/AquaticEcoDynamics/releases repository.


Additional information

See repository Wiki for additional information on getting started using GLM-AED, working with the repository, and updating or adding new example lakes.

For new users, please also visit the glm-workbook which contains some practical exercises and case-studies for users new to lake modelling.


<img src="glm-source/admin/aed.png" alt="AED" width="100"/>